Roots and wings in Wales and Provence
I have puzzled all my life about taking wing and putting down roots. When I was child we left my home town in the North of England and spent some years living in New Zealand. Returning as a young adult I was proud of my wider horizons. But watching and listening to my beloved grandparents, I couldn't help but see that wider horizons apparently weren't necessary for a happy life. My grandfather lived all in his life in a Northern mill town apart from a period in the army as a young man, about which he never spoke, when he went to Afghanistan and India. I always felt he was very happy in his skin, very assured on his own territory, a Lancashire man to the soles of his feet who was rooted in his place and happy to be so. He didn't want to travel. He was not narrow minded and indeed generous and tolerant in his assessment of people but he liked to be home. "What's the point in going places?" he would say. "I've everything I want he...