Night in the shepherd's hut
June 21st, midsummer's evening. We decide to sleep in the shepherd's hut, a night away for the sake of walking across the field. Inevitably there is some football on the television so for much of the evening we are in the house as Ian watches while I potter about the internet. Then at around ten o' clock I gather up my reading glasses and my book. I am rereading, for perhaps the fourth or fifth time, "Notes from Walnut Tree Farm" by Roger Deakin. It is a book full of snippets of Deakin's writing, notes and diary entries, some several pages, some only a couple of sentences long. Some are musings about writing or nature. He walks, he works on the land, he writes about what he sees. I put my boots on as the grass is already wet with midsummer dew and close the house door behind me. I should be bathing my face in this dew according to folklore, not padding through it in my wellies. The sky is still light and the swallows are still ...