Why write?
I started blogging in 2007. What a different world, a different life. I was fifty three, still working in a demanding job which took me away from our beautiful ancient house, high on a Welsh hillside. I had one two year old grandson. I loved my job but my life felt very fragmented, split between London and Wales, between professional me and personal me. Both my parents were alive. My active, funny brother had yet to have the stroke which for twelve years until his death confined him to a wheelchair and robbed him of much of his dry, witty personality. And now? Now I am seventy and have been retired for years. My mother died in 2013, my father in law in 2014, my father in 2015 and my brother last year. We now have ten grandchildren, ranging in age from six to eighteen. There have been departures and arrivals. In the intervening years we have bought a building plot, sold our old house and built a new one with some eco-credentials on the edge of a village, down from the hill