Tales from my kitchen
I haven't really turned my back on the garden. I made the mistake of wandering around in yesterday's sunshine and it clamoured at me about all the things that still need doing. But before I get out there and try to sort things out a bit I thought you might like to have an update about the kitchen. If nothing else, seeing how truly vile it used to be might make you feel better about your own house! This is really as close as I get to a "before" picture, as shown in house and garden magazines. The main reason for the absence of "befores" is that it was so dingy, mouldy and generally dreadful that I couldn't bring myself to take pictures in it. So in this picture the horrible eighties cupboards and the marked and stained worktops have come out, but you get the general idea. Here we are with the ceiling coming down so that Steve, the wonder electrician, could put in the new electrics. Here is the ceiling, decorating the floor. We are in ...