Day 12 of the 100 day project

Day 12 is looking like a challenge.  It is misty.  It is cold.  It is dank.  Do I want go outside?  No I do not.  What on earth can I think of that I would like to do and that I have the energy to do?

I think today I might make something different count as part of the project and pick daffodils for the house.  After all a garden is for pleasure and part of the pleasure of a cold dank day is to bring armfuls of daffodils into the kitchen.

There, and today that is the 100 day project: daffodils and primroses and pulmonaria.


  1. What a wonderful activity to include, and of course this counts in so many inspiring ways! So important to stop and enjoy and celebrate along the way -- in and of a garden, of course, but I think this also applies to writing projects (enjoying the glide of a particular pen's nib or the quality of the paper we're writing on, or simply being aware of the richness of language) and (visual) art projects (just playing with mixing up different colours or sitting with work we've done already and seeing what we might like in it. Or whatever. . . Our projects don't have to be finished and polished for us to enjoy them, and that's a good lesson to practise, thank you!

    1. Thank you Frances What a great response. I do so agree and if the project is to reconnect being aware of the beauty of what's there is a part of that

  2. This is what a garden is for. For bringing in bright yellow flowers to combat the greyness of the day.
    And anyway, dank, cold mist is very bad for coughs.

    1. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the sun shone and it was warm? And it was good to see brightness sitting on the table. Come on now Spring. It's time.

  3. More yellow and sunshine for you

    1. What a great recommendation Diana, thank you. Somehow I had not come across this blog before. It is a really good read!

  4. So happy to find you in the welsh hills! Freda


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