Day 28 of the 100 day project

I am a day late recording this but I did keep to the project!  Older son and his family have moved into a new house, a brand new house with a garden with no turf which has been for a few weeks a sea of mud.  Ian laid turf for them over this last week and yesterday my lovely daughter in law and I went shopping for plants for the garden as a housewarming present for them.

It was very good fun.  Lindsay has a great eye for colour and a strong sense of style.  She knows how she wants the garden to look and my job is to provide enough gardening experience to help to identify the plants which will bring it all together.  We bought camellia and hydrangea, climbing roses and clematis.  There is a real interest in starting with such a completely blank canvas.  I have only have had gardens which someone else has started or, up here, a garden to make out of a field which is a task on a different scale to a domestic garden so the challenges here are quite other than the ones she faces.

I really enjoyed being part of her thinking process.  It was fun.

Then home but only very briefly because in the evening we went out to a live streaming of opera from the New York Met.  It amazes me that in our small town in North East Wales we have the chance to experience the brilliance and the power of a matinee of Cendrillon in New York yesterday.  It was extraordinary, the sets and the costumes as amazing as the music

But before we went out I decided I would try to do an hour in the garden.  First I planted a bronze fennel into the herb garden.  The soil there is thin and dry and the rosemary and sage love it.  I have ordinary fennel growing in another part of the garden so we will see if the bronze is happy or fussier!

Then a bit of time working in the bed up by the shepherd's hut.  We carved this out of the field about six years ago and it is only now beginning to have the presence it needs.  There are amelanchiers and dogwoods, which for ages were little sticks, and at their feet violets, primroses, grape hyacinths and a wandering euphorbia which makes for good groundcover.  The bed is all grown through with guess what? Creeping buttercup.   I didn't get it all out but I did some and that is enough.

This is what you see working on your knees up there if you raise your head.

And now I have to go and do something for day 29.  There are minutes of my meeting to write up and huge swathes of Spanish to do but half an hour in the garden first I think.


  1. Well done with this, Elizabeth. You have inspired me to open the blog up again and see what I have in me. It has been a long winter, and the garden, Instagram and now (perhaps) the blog will go forward with me.
    Our son and his wife have built a new house in Edmonton and it sits, like your children's, in a sea of turf-less mud. We are going to visit in two weeks and I am looking forward to helping my DIL with a garden plan.
    I remember when you first got the Shepherd's wagon. I can imagine that the bed around it must be lovely now. Pictures?

    1. So very pleased to hear you are blogging again! I'm off to have a look in a minute. I'll be sure to take some shepherds hut pictures too. Welcome back!


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