Children and dogs and pink fizz
Every now and then I read those surveys about happiness which tell you that people in their twenties are happy, those in their thirties and forties less so (the twin pressures of work and family no doubt) but the happiest people of all are the over fifties. This seems entirely convincing to me. As you get older, if you are lucky, you are likely to be less worried about money, you have the entirely selfish pleasure of time to yourself back as your children leave home, you might well have worked out how to live happily with your partner, either through years of practice or as a second time around with the benefit of more life lived, or if you are single you may have got to the stage where you are comfortable with where life has taken you. You probably know what is important to you by then and you probably care less about what others think. You are probably more comfortable than you have ever been in your own skin, even if it is a bit wrinklier than it used to be. ...