A plea

On New Year's Eve my much loved brother had a massive stroke.  He is only fifty four.  He had further complications last week.  It seems his life is no longer in danger but his condition is still serious.  I don't intend to blog about this much as he would not want me to but I think he would forgive me saying this:

It seems likely that the cause of the stroke was untreated high blood pressure, perhaps combined with the stresses of a high pressure job which he loved.  He knew his blood pressure was high I think but I am sure, in not taking the time to engage with medical appointments and treatment, he had little sense of how great a risk it could pose.

If you don't know what your blood pressure is, find out.  If it's high, see your doctor.  If you have any inclination to put your head in the sand think of my witty, active, workaholic brother, who loves sailing and his family, lying in his hospital bed unable to move, and sort it out.  Please.


  1. get mine checked regularly for other reasons but got boss to get his checked over Christmas as he doesnt look well - he is now on diet and exercising more! Good point though and sorry you are having a rubbish start to year

  2. Thanks for the reminder to look after ourselves, life is precious...sending lots of healing love to your brother for a full recovery.

  3. Been thinking about you lots, and good thinking to do something positive with all the carnage.

    I've been on BP meds since mid my 30s - have a tendancy to stress and be anxious (you dont say!)

    Hope he is making progress - know it can be slow and tortuous, but it will come in tiny fairy steps


  4. How sad and how frightening for you all. No age at all. Continued best wishes XX

  5. Dear Elizabeth - I am so sorry. We can all be wise with hindsight can't we. My beloved brother had a coronary at a similar age and we looked back on his life style and knew that it was an accident waiting to happen.
    I do hope he is now out of danger.. Do try to look positively - I have a friend who had a massive stroke and after a year she is now much, much better - in fact she copes very well indeed. I do hope the outlook is good for your brother - you are both in my thoughts.

  6. A timely reminder to all of us. I take BP pills, but we should all remember to exercise, cut down on excess weight, and keep our vices to a minimum. I hope your brother returns to his previous good health; he's very young.

  7. I often think of you when I am browsing posts from fellow bloggers, particularly since F-I-L has moved in too, changing your family routines. I'm very sorry to hear about your brother and thanks for the reminder to keep on top of health checks.

  8. Speedy and full recovery to your brother Elizabeth and thank you for the heads-up!

  9. Thank you for the timely reminder, and best wishes for your brother's speedy recovery.

  10. So sorry to hear about your brother and hope he continues to make progress.

    Hope you are keeping your head above water - if you need to let off steam give us a shout.

  11. So sorry to hear that you and yours are having such a tough time. I hope you have less cause to worry soon and that you have some time to yourself. Cx

  12. So sorry to hear this. It's good advice indeed.

    You might be interested to read Kate's experiences: needled.wordpress.com . She had a stroke in 2009 at the age of 34 and it is inspiring to read about her recovery.

  13. They call it the silent killer because there are no symptoms, just sudden catastrophic "incidents". We can't get into a doctor's appointment until we've had a blood pressure taken by the medical assistant. My husband refused to take any meds for the longest time. He sees them as an irrefutable stigma of aging (who's he trying to kid, he's 75).
    The first meds made him pee all the time and reduced his libido so he wouldn't take those. Now he has changed meds and is feeling no side effects and making his doctor happy. Good luck to your brother.

  14. Best wishes, Liz. Thanks for this post. I know I am one of those who am a bad patient.

  15. I am truly sorry to hear this.
    I hope everyone will be warned of the dangers of untreated high blood pressure.
    You can buy a blood pressure monitor quite reasonably at Boots and you can take your own regulary.
    Hope your brother gets back to normal before too long.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  16. Yes, I will do. My colleague's husband was taken to hospital last weekend with problems related to high blood pressure. They first thought it was a stroke, but couldn't find anything. Her story and yours made me realise that I have to get mine checked as well.

    Hope your brother will recover soon. Take care!

  17. So sorry to hear this - glad he is out of danger and I'm sending every good wish for his recovery and for you too, a huge shock for all his family. And yes, a timely warning too. Blood pressure high or low needs keeping an eye on.

  18. I am so sorry to hear about your brother and hope he is progressing well. It is good of you to think of others at this time and to give us such sensible advice.
    Wishing you all the best,

  19. .sHey Elizabeth, good to read your brother is out of danger, but stay positive and take one day at a time.

    We can all do the ostrich thing at times, so it's a good reminder not to take our health for granted.

    I work in a hospital environment and have seen amazing recovery from strokes, so take heart and stay strong.

    Claire X

  20. Oh my goodness Elizabeth I am so sorry you are having to face even more upset and stress at the begining of this year - I hope your brother improves and you just take care of yourself

  21. I'm so sorry about this, Elizabeth. How hard it must be for you - beloved brothers are supposed to stay hale and healthy and be exasperating, so watching him struggle to get back some of his own must be very, very hard.
    Your advice is good - BP is something that is very easy to control, if one goes to the doctor.
    Hugs on the way to you....

  22. Will do, so sorry about your brother.

    I'm off for a fast walk now - 2011 I must get fitter and healthier. Thanks for the nudge.


  23. Oh how awful for you all Elizabeth. My thoughts are with you and your brother. Thank you for the reminder too x

  24. Oh Elizabeth how horrendous for you all, especially your brother, and so young...a very timely reminder. Thinking of you all and wishing him a good and speedy recovery.

  25. I was wondering how your brother was. So glad he is out of danger, really hope he gets top notch post-stroke therapy, I know it can make all the difference to recovery. A great reminder to check BP regularly and not avoid doing something about it when it is high. Will dig out our home monitor and turn it into a competition to get FIL checking his, he's not looking so good.

    Really hope 2011 improves soon.

  26. Yes, I'm sorry to hear this news too Elizabeth and send all my best wishes to you and your brother.

    Good point. I'm forever having my BP taken with my health and being in hospital. But I do worry about hubby. He's under immense stress.

    I'm glad brother is out of danger but it must have been quite a wake up call.

  27. Thank you to every one for your good wishes. We have moved from a sense of overwhelming crisis here to a knowledge that the road will be long and hard. But at least there is still is a road!
    I went out looking for snowdrops today so may even be able to blog about something else next week!

  28. Excellent advice Elizabeth especially as sufferers usually don't have any symptoms. I am now on medication because it was picked up up when I had a routine appointment for another health issue. So sorry that your year has started on such a note. Thinking of you and your brother.

  29. I can't do any thing but add my hopes to the others, for a speedy recovery for your brother and thanks for the reminder that our lives are precious. I hope you are able to find time to care for your own self too, Elizabeth.

  30. Sending best wishes to your brother for a speedy recovery..and hugs to you also

  31. Will do. Thanks for the nudge. And best hopes, and thoughts, and hugs go to you and your brother.

  32. Oh goodness, Elizabeth, you've had so much to deal with recently! I've been away checking on the APs for the last few days and now I'm in London briefly on my own (and about to go to bed) I thought I'd just look at your blog to see how you are, and I'm glad I did. Shall be thinking lots of sustaining thoughts in your direction (and I was lucky, a routine check caught my BP problems, not me being responsible and forward-looking, so I second your wise advice). I hope you're having time, amidst all of this, to nurture yourself a little?

  33. So sorry to hear you've had even more bad news heaped on your plate. I know you've said your brother's road to recovery is a long one, but here's hoping he finds the shortest route possible.

    (((Hugs to you)))

  34. That's a sad tale. Friend of mine - even younger - had stroke recently; so devastating.
    I know mine needs checking; timely reminder.

  35. I am so sorry to hear about your brother's stroke . Such a terrifying thing to happen out of the blue .
    It's probably just as well he's a hard worker , because this next year will be full of therapy of all kinds . But it all pays off in the end and his quality of life should improve greatly .
    My best wishes to you all .... and especially to you .

  36. Only just saw this but wanted to say best wishes for a speedy recovery to your brother.


  37. Reading this a bit late, but want to add my good wishes for your brother's recovery.

    My friend (a nurse) got her BP measuring gear out at a party a few years ago and sent me straight to the doctor where they wouldn't let me out of the surgery! No symptoms at all, but it was dangerously high and had already affected my kidneys too.

    A very timely admonition to your readers!

  38. This was very thoughtful and good of you to warn us all.

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