A year in the life of a tree
Over at Patiopatch Laura is recording a year in the life of a wych elm. Recording requires close looking and I thought I would join in if only to ensure that I really looked at my trees. Trees are crucial but it is easy to regard them as a pleasant backdrop to the real business of flowers. That might be so in a tiny courtyard garden where it is possible to control everything but my garden is so close to natural landscape that you could lose the flowers (sadly) and retain a sense of the place but lose the trees and it would become a wasteland. The first question was which tree to choose. I was tempted by one of the huge oaks beyond the field or a towering ash but in the end I decided to restrict myself to trees on our land. The big sycamore at the bottom of the drive is a lovely tree. I know people are snotty about sycamore: it is not a native, and not even as old an incomer as the field maple which was brought in by the Romans. But the ...