Day 18 of the 100 day project

Yes, I know.  What happened to day 17?  Read on.

We are in Devon looking after our two little granddaughters for a couple of days while son and daughter in law and the new baby have a small break elsewhere.  The girls are delightful, generally amenable (apart from occasional passing bouts of shouting from the two year old!) and we have been left food in the freezer and the usual pre-school sessions in the day, quite a few for the four year old, fewer for the two year old.  So this is probably about as easy as it can be to be responsible for two under fives and two dogs.  One of the dogs is at the vet's as she is not well.  The girls are good eaters and good sleepers.  And yet it is still quite full on and I am sitting on the sofa very near to drifting off to sleep!

I had plans before we came of continuing the project by visiting a local and very good garden centre and buying some more plants which would contribute to moving the cutting garden at home over from annuals to grasses and perennials.  It just hasn't happened today but perhaps it might on Friday.  Tomorrow the two year old is with us all day so who knows what will happen tomorrow but I think she will have to be the focus!

So have I done anything at all?  Well I have continued connecting to the seasons with a walk with the older dog which took me down to the river and revealed kingcupsand pussy willow  and primroses and Devon violets.  The sun shone and the air was warm.

Here is the older dog having a bit of a bound about for joy.  And I hung washing outside on the line .  And I collected some dog poo from the lawn and put it in the bin.  I am counting all of those to the 100 day project!  And taking pleasure in the company of the granddaughters is another sort of helping things to grow!


  1. Yesterday I saw my first primrose whilst walking my dog and it gave me such pleasure. Spring really is here.
    Looking after grandchildren is wonderful and I feel so grateful that I am a Granny but I definitely understand the exhaustion too.
    It’s only day 18 and there are loads of days ahead to delve deeper into your project. You can relax and take your time. No hurry.

    1. That's what I need to hear! Relaxing and taking my time is the ambition.

  2. I've read your blog for a little while now, and am thoroughly enjoying your gardening challenge. I am taken by your words "connecting to the seasons". You are showing so many ways to do just that, both by gardening and also by being outdoors.

    1. Thank you lorrie. It's great to have you commenting! I think one of the best things about living in the country is a greater awareness of seasons. At the moment it is spectacular here. Love spring!

    2. Thank you lorrie ! I do very much agree that noticing the seasons matters and it is so easy if you live in a city to lose that Easier where I live!


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