2021 - here it is

This morning we woke up to snow.  

This snowfall took me by surprise.  Two weeks ago we also had snow but that had been clearly forecast in advance.  This morning's snow followed a week in which Storm Christoph had brought floods to many parts of Northern England and here in our area of North Wales.  On Wednesday night a bridge over a river nearby was swept away in flood water.  People in the nearby town of Ruthin had their houses or businesses flooded.  We are lucky up here on the hill and we recognise it.  For us rain and snow are an inconvenience rather than a disaster.  We are preparing to move house and the difference between what can be achieved on a dry day, however cold, and a wet or snowy one, is pronounced.  So today I am having a day off, focusing on knitting and reading and cooking, appreciating how very much worse it could be, and trying to find ways to enjoy the day.

If I am honest with myself this is getting harder.  The news in relation to coronavirus continues to be grim.  New cases have fallen but only slightly, with hospital admissions remaining very high and deaths in excess of a thousand a day.  Lockdown is in place across the UK.  The vaccine is now being rolled out and may release us all if we can only keep numbers down sufficiently while the numbers who are vaccinated increase.  It feels a bit like that stage in a long walk or run when you are tired and cold, it is raining and you are still a long way from home.  The only thing to do is to put your head down and keep trudging forward.

So what works to keep the spirits up right now?  Friday night fish and chips from our very good local cafe, On the Corner, followed by a zoom call and a glass of wine with friends.  

Home made leek and potato soup in front of the stove for lunch.

Little bits of crochet going off as presents to some of the grandchildren.

Starting a big new knitting project in the form of an Icelandic style jumper for me. 


It seems quite ridiculous that making the sweater won't make me slim and twenty five again.  Surely that would be a fair reward for all that work!  In lots of ways it seems daft with all the move to sort out and the various difficulties of life right now to start such a big project but I know it will take me a long time.  I am not a quick knitter.  Call it my stake in the future if you like!  I shall be wearing it next winter, whatever the coming year may bring.  

The snowdrops are coming out in front of the house.

The world is still a beautiful place.

Let's hang on in there, keep on keeping on.


  1. I enjoyed your observations regarding coronavirus and the UK lockdown. Here in Fort Worth our county has been designated as the worst in the state of Texas for case numbers and deaths. Unfortunately, we have no lockdown, leadership is slow to react and many people are resistant to safety precautions. The vaccine rollout is also very disorganized. It’s disappointing that health measures are so political. Meanwhile, I am drinking more than my share of Starbucks lattes. The caffeine and drive through chit chat help maintain my sanity! - By the way, I was delighted to see your mention of Ruthin. I spent the night there while on a tour in the summer of 2019. Most likely my one and only touch down in Wales.

  2. I enjoyed your observations regarding coronavirus and the UK lockdown. Here in Fort Worth our county has been designated as the worst in the state of Texas for case numbers and deaths. Unfortunately, we have no lockdown, leadership is slow to react and many people are resistant to safety precautions. The vaccine rollout is also very disorganized. It’s disappointing that health measures are so political. Meanwhile, I am drinking more than my share of Starbucks lattes. The caffeine and drive through chit chat help maintain my sanity! - By the way, I was delighted to see your mention of Ruthin. I spent the night there while on a tour in the summer of 2019. Most likely my one and only touch down in Wales.

  3. I enjoyed your observations regarding coronavirus and the UK lockdown. Here in Fort Worth our county has been designated as the worst in the state of Texas for case numbers and deaths. Unfortunately, we have no lockdown, leadership is slow to react and many people are resistant to safety precautions. The vaccine rollout is also very disorganized. It’s disappointing that health measures are so political. Meanwhile, I am drinking more than my share of Starbucks lattes. The caffeine and drive through chit chat help maintain my sanity! - By the way, I was delighted to see your mention of Ruthin. I spent the night there while on a tour in the summer of 2019. Most likely my one and only touch down in Wales.

    1. Have no idea why this was repeated...

    2. No me neither but no worries! It must be very worrying to s cases rise without a lockdown or covid precautions. We seem to be just turning the corner here with new cases beginning to fall but deaths remain very high. I'm holding on for spring!!

  4. You live in a beautiful part of the world (the country). Will you still be in the country or a town after your move?

  5. Hello, I have been catching up but must have missed some big news as you say you are preparing to move house. A big undertaking at any time but especially now. Will it still be Welsh hills?

  6. It´s getting harder for me too. I renew enthusiasm every day with simple things: a new joke from my husband, a chat, walking towards my work and feeling the sun on my skin, looking at the bright light because spring is approaching, ...Reinventing myself and my life every single day and trying to create new sensations and feelings with day to day life.


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