Breakfasting in cafes miles away
It is one of the oddities of modern life that you can wake up on a Welsh hillside and have your poached egg on toast and cup of tea for breakfast as you do on any other day. That same night you can go to bed in a flat in central Munich on the edge of the Victualienmarkt with the unaccustomed light from a street lamp glowing gently on the parquet floor. A hundred years ago southern Germany was a train ride, a ferry journey and more train rides away. If you had made this journey in 1913 it might have taken you two days from London, even if you had been travelling as fast as you could, or three if you were starting from here in North East Wales. You would have marvelled at the speed of modern travel. You would think yourself fortunate to be living in the railway age. After all if you had done the journey in 1813 you would have had to go by horse and carriage. That might have taken you about two weeks, maybe you could have cut the time a little if you ...