My love affair with the woodburning stove

Today I have a heavy head cold. I woke this morning to light snow on the hills and in the garden. I had a hammering headache and streaming nose and eyes. This was not a day for venturing out. It was a day for sitting by the stove, snoozing, doing a little comfort reading. I couldn't even find the concentration to knit. But the day has passed away in a warm and comforting way because of our woodburning stove. We have been using this stove for three seasons a year for nine years now and I could light the fire in my sleep. I start with quite a bit of scrumpled paper. We use a broadsheet newspaper and I use about eight sheets. I am pretty sure Ian uses fewer than that but that is what works for me! Then kindling. The kindling here was bought chopped during the period when Ian was languishing in bed with flu. Normally he chops all ours. How much kindling to use depends very much on how dry the logs are that we ...