Leiden and gardening gloves

So how was Leiden? Beautiful, a mini Amsterdam with canals and bridges and bikes. It is a university town with something of the same feel as Cambridge, but with canals! The place we stayed in was a real find, an apartment on the Nieuwe Rijn. Ours was not the one pictured on this website but had two bedrooms, a fabulous bathroom and a small sitting area within the larger bedroom overlooking the canal. Everything was spotless and comfortable, the bathroom was to die for and our host, Leon, made us wonderful breakfasts in the spacious kitchen overlooking a terrace. Brilliantly situated, beautifully furnished and cared for and really nice people. If you can get to Leiden I would really recommend it. We rented bikes from our hosts and, having not ridden a bike for about twenty five years, I tested the cliche that you never forget and found it to be true. The Keukenhof gardens were amazing, not a garden in the ordinary sense o...