Wildflowers in May

It is May. Is there any month more beautiful? I have been making a new herb bed in the kitchen garden, digging out an area which has become full of grass and ground elder. At this time of year you could work in the garden all day long and still not finish what is to be done so if we are to seize the moment it is important not to fall prey to the endless to do list, either written or mental. It is important to seize the day. We walk up the drive, through the farmyard and out onto the hill. Cowslips are blooming at the edge of the drive. In Welsh they are called Briallen Fair, Mary's primrose. A little colony of these was growing up here when we came nearly twelve years ago now. For a few years they appeared every spring, the patch never really growing. Then a couple of years ago they took off and began to spread. Now there is an area perhaps six feet long crowded with them. Unlike primroses, they hold their heads hig...