Time and how to spend it

I had an email from a friend which touched on something I often think about: time and how to use it and how to share it. I have quoted her original email below because she expresses the questions so well. "I was wondering - you've recently (relatively) been released from many heavy obligations and demands. How are you managing your freedom? Are you able to just enjoy or do you have duty voices in your head, cutting across any 'holiday' feel. There's always enough to be done. So it's easy to always be thinking 'I should be doing this, that, the other....' Do you? Or have you beaten that? I'd love to know how if you have, so I can learn. And C is just about to retire and be here full time apart from walking. I find his activity ... reproaching and disturbing. This is me - he doesn't bug me if I'm not being busy." Two separate but related questions here and both of them particular to this stage of life I thi...