
What a long time since I have written here. I find I am missing the way the blog records the days which otherwise whizz away so quickly so here, with no attempt to be for anyone other than myself, is blog as diary. Monday is yoga morning. I have bought some new yoga clothes, well I bought them a few months ago. For years I have used baggy track suit bottoms and old t-shirts as my yoga clothes. I suddenly thought that doing yoga most weeks for nine years was probably an indication that I wasn't going to stop so two new pairs of leggings and two new t-shirts were allowed. They are from Asquith and I like them very much. In fact if the leggings were not so close fitting and I were not over sixty I would wear them all the time. They are ludicrously comfortable, like your favourite pair of pyjamas when you were a child. This Tuesday was a meeting of the Clwydian Range Tourism Group, a group of people who run small tourism related businesses in ou...