New House update

One of the striking things about having a new house built is that it is not a linear process. Rather than following an even curve. slowly growing week by week, it moves in leaps and bounds followed by periods of inactivity. We seem to be having a leaps and bounds period right now so I thought it would be a good time to record where we are up to. The whole structure is up now, with the roof on, but with no windows. There has been a bit of a delay with the windows but we hope to have them installed by mid November. This will make an amazing difference to the house, both from the point of view of making it watertight and of giving it some soul. If the eyes are the windows to the soul in a person, the windows are a huge part of what gives a house character and personality. I can't wait to see them. Inside the stud work is up for the walls. Ian is standing here in what will be our bedroom looking down across the landing, which runs like a bridg...