Use it or lose it

In 2019, at the tender age of sixty four, I did the Couch to 5K programme, a running programme on an app designed to take you from no running at all (i.e. the couch!) to running for 30 minutes without stopping. I think the 5k is a bit of a misnomer as very few people who go through the programme end up running 5k in the 30 minutes at which the programme aims. I had never been a runner, never been sporty at all. At school I specialised in sloping off from all sporting activity and sitting in the sun by the tennis courts with a book, joining in at the last minute by apparently returning from the toilets. As an adult I learned that I loved walking and yoga or Pilates. It was apparently ball sports or organised games that I didn't like. I did actually enjoy physical activity if it was the right physical activity. I only started couch to 5k because Ian was doing it, having committed himself, after a glass or two of wine, to running a half marat...