Five good things about today

  1. My son and his wife and their dog are here for the weekend.  We haven't seen them since before Christmas as they are newly qualified doctors (not the dog obviously, she has been qualified for years) and are working very hard.
  2. My crocuses are out by the drive, in shades of purple and lilac with here and there a shining shot of pale yellow.
  3. I made some of the best cheese scones ever for tea.
  4. I ate three.
  5. I have no time to blog because I need to go and talk to my family.


  1. Sounds a lovely day - enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  2. I'd like to consult the Dog-Doctor please!
    Have fun!

  3. Ah. Home-made cheese scones. I think you did well to stop at 3.

  4. Three cheese scones - you almost beat my record; only almost mind.

    Enjoy your family being home

  5. sounds good - and busy. Obviously need those three scones to boost the energy levels!

  6. I have no time to comment because I have to go and bath mine! (Theo).

  7. I think you'd better have another scone if they're that good!

  8. We not only have the Welsh connection in common. Our Son is a Doctor married to a Doctor, and they have 2 dogs dogs!!
    I love scones too!!
    Busy planning the holiday this weekend. We are taking our Welsh friend with us. Very exciting.

  9. all sounds was a lovely day and nice to see you all down Pwyll Gwyn woods..x m

  10. Bother. You've brought me out in guilt. Didcott said twice, this morning (rather whistfully) how much he'd like cheese scones today . . . but I forgot.


  11. BLiss indeed! Hope you chatted long and hard!

  12. Hi Elizabeth
    I thought you were in Australia!!
    We will be in Wales in September.
    May I have a link to your cottage?
    We stay in a farm cottage in Chepstow area but do travel around.
    Ps I wonder if I know your family here?

  13. Just perfect, lovely the dog is visiting too...enjoy.

  14. Just as life should be! Hope you are having wonderful fun with your family.

  15. Those are the best five good things I have read in a long time. Have a good weekend.

  16. Cheese scones are the edible equivalent of Desert Island Discs - and I'd give up everything else for them. Your restraint was admirable.

  17. Sounds perfect - fraught weekend here, K is at the hospital in Poole.

    Your cheese scones are delicious, if I close my eyes I can still taste them!

    Hope the rest of the weekend is as restful and happy xx

  18. Wonderful. Enjoy your family. Blogging can wait.

  19. Cheese scones? You just had to say that, didn't you? How am I going to face a bowl of cereal now?

  20. So nice to read such a happy post!

  21. Always good to see your children - my younger son and his family were here over the weekend too. CHeese scones are one of my favourite things, I agree that you did well to stop at three:)

  22. Excellent post! So important to keep a balance.

  23. Can't believe you put crocus before cheese scones. You need to reassess your priorities!

  24. A good five things I think. Have a lovely time with your family Elizabeth x

  25. I absolutely love cheese scones. Now you've whet my appetite I've gotta go and make some (and probably eat them all too). Drat!

  26. You didn't ask but here are my five happy things about today:
    1. I got my hair cut off and I love it.
    2. Colin Firth's Oscar.
    3. All the buds pushing up out of the earth and the plants considering blooming, on my long walks.
    4. I no longer do the book-keeping at work. Yippee!
    5. I know what we're having for tea.


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