A day of two halves

I woke to sunshine and the sound of a car door. Our cottage visitors were packing up to go home. Not a morning for turning over and going back to sleep. They had recovered from the trauma of no water and seemed keen to come back. That's always good. We must be doing something right, even if it is only living where we do.

A gardening day with occasional unenthusiastic forays into the house. I've been weeding and planting cornflower seeds in a dry bed in the kitchen garden. Ian is moving on with the chicken house. Everywhere is full of things to do and not enough time to do them in. Tonight we are going into Manchester for a fundraising do and staying overnight. Tomorrow we are going to some very good friends in Derbyshire for lunch and won't be back home until Monday evening. I am looking forward to seeing our friends but the pull of home and garden is strong. It will require an effort of will to wrench myself away.

This morning's post brought an appointment for my scan: Tuesday when I can't go. I will be in London. Part of me wants to cancel everything and get it over with. Another part wants to carry on as normal and make it fit in with me, not the other way round. I think we will go with part number two.

So it's time to shower and iron something glam, to scrub my fingernails and resign myself to sitting on my hands. This is such a short blog I thought I would indulge myself with some photos of the garden: the irises, some early apple blossom and an old one of the piglet eared daffodils which I am still hoping someone (Milla seemed to know what I meant when I mentioned them a few weeks ago?) might be able to identify for me.

Won't be blogging for a couple of days but look forward to catching up when I get back.


  1. Hi - have a lovely weekend and try not to dwell on that scan - I have some of those daffs but they came in a job lot so no idea what they are called - but they are very cute.
    Lovely pics again - I think you must have a better camera than I - I think I need to ungrade my little weeny sony cyber-shot - its not got enough pixels or something - I shall see what I can find. Maybe pink....

  2. I've been wading through my RHS book and I've come up with a few possibilities.Thalia,Dove Wings[Faith would like them], Little Witch - appropriate but look too yellow- try googling some of the names and see if they match. Good luck with the scan. Toady

  3. Love your 'pig-eared' daffs! I have some too but never thought of such a lovely name. Sorry I don't know the real one either but surely someone will.
    Go for making the scan fit in with you, not you to it - positive thinking! Good luck, have a lovely weekend. Rho

  4. What beautiful photos - again, thank you. Taxes are finished and now I am inspired to get out into the garden and do some work. I think I know how you feel about leaving home and garden at this time of year. I seem to be resentful of anything that gets in the way even pleasurable things!
    Try not to think about the scan while you are off for the weekend. You'll get there eventually and the company of friends is good for anyone!

  5. Have a wonderful weekend. Sorry can't help with the Daffs. And yes the scan should fit in with you - as long as you don't worry about it. I miss home when I go away too - so understand. But good to get away sometimes so that you can appreciate all over again what you are missing.

  6. Lovely photos, Oh dear annoying when hospital appointments come through at inconvenient time, and you need to know , so difficult as you'll be in London, hope scan can be rearranged asap.
    Thinking of you
    Warmest wishes

  7. God your busyness makes me feel very very very lazy.... gotta plant those seeds

  8. lovely flowers - I don't know how you do it all - blogging, guests, gardening, hens, scans, working in London. I get in a pickle just thinking about it.

  9. Enjoy your weekend Elizabeth. Your blogs are lovely and I really enjoyed catching up again - no access to computer thanks to children! The eggs sound sooo exciting. Wish I was closer to snaffle some! xx

  10. Hi Elizabeth

    Just catching up-seeing how your check up went and seen about scan, bless you. Know it is a worry-but it is better to be thorough. You are still the bravest person I have 'virtually' met.

    Anyway you have far too much going on for anything other than positive news! Hope you had a lovely weekend with your friends.
    Can't wait to hear more about the chicks when they hatch. And btw your garden is divine-can see how it is such a peaceful haven for you. You must have worked incredibly hard to make it so beautiful.

    So good to be back with you all and reading your lovely words.
    warmest wishes

    PS-I bought the Dorothy Wordsworth diaries-you mentioned them to Chicken Licken several weeks ago!

  11. Good luck, Elizabeth - I'm sure all will be fine. It's a pain in the proverbial but at least you CAN get a check up, and it's always better to be safe than sorry. Your doctor sounds lovely and will take care of you.xx

  12. Yes, roots to grow, wings to fly and love, that is what children (and grandchildren) need. They grow up far too quickly though. I too feel about thirty four and I am a (young!) granny! Lovely blog,


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