Home again

Ian is watching the Manchester United match which means that, even though I have been away a couple of nights, I can do some guilt-free blogging. I have been living my other non-country life today and yesterday. Dinner last night with clients and a meeting all day today which kicked off at 8.00 and was very hard work, quite confrontational and knackering. I think I am getting better than I used to be at switching off from work things but also less prepared to put up with them. I wonder where that will lead?

Driving home tonight I was struggling to keep awake but arrived back to a fire lit and Ian cooking my tea. What a man.

Tomorrow I am back to the Christie for my six month check up. A couple of days ago I suddenly found myself feeling unexpectedly wobbly about this but I am ok again now. You have to take the view that if they are monitoring you so closely nothing can creep up on you unawares. That's what I tell myself. Works just fine in the day. Sometimes falters in the middle of the night.

I am really enjoying catching up with blogs again and working my way through all my favourites. I have decided that every day I will also try to read one person I haven't read before. Don't want to miss anything but have got a non-computer based life to live as well. I was amused to see suffolkmum's comment about keeping children off computers and doing it ourselves. That rang very true!

Because I am so full of work and tomorrow's appointment I am going to do a picture blog today. I will try to find one of the view from the second pigsty and one of the privy. Let's be down to earth today.


  1. I'm trying that system too ,old favourites plus a new one every day, at the moment I am teetering between child neglect and exhaustion.

    God I remember business lunches yuck!

  2. Love the privy. I knew you were working these last 2 days but I missed you! I'm another one trying that system - although there's almost as much to read on here, everything seems so much quicker. I know what you mean about putting up with less at work - I got like that too in my last part-time job, having been steam-rollered on my return from mat. leave with my previous firm. Good luck tomorrow. Sure you will do just fine, and then look, another milestone crossed off. We'll be thinking of you.

  3. Good Luck 2morrow, what a great hubby, mines been in court all day no not the wrong side of the dock, but it has been nearly though but not this time, Expert Witness, some told him the other day what expert means
    X is the name for something you can't name
    A spurt is a drip under pressure.
    Hey ho bath and bed.
    Blossom x

  4. Have only really managed the time to look at anything today since last week's excitement/turmoil. I know how you feel awith all the rushing around and trying to balance family/life/work. Your place looks wonderful - glad you have such a place of calm to return to - very best wishes for tomorrow.

  5. Best wishes for tomorrow. I hope all goes well.

  6. Good Luck for tomorrow, I'm sure you'll be fine. Toady

  7. I hope that tomorrow goes well and that you can do something special for yourself afterwards. Loved the photos - is the pink door the privy door? Too elegant!

  8. Hello Elizabeth. Glad you're back. I love the privy! Will be thinking of you today and sending good vibes - sure it will be fine but you're bound to feel like that. Let your beautiful garden sooth you a little xx

  9. Hope it goes ok with check up. Thinking of you-ChickenLickenx

  10. I do hope your check up at the Christie goes well for you. I'll be thinking of you, warmest wishes, Elaine

  11. Good luck at the hospital, Eliz, will be thinking of you big time!

  12. Sorry I didnt see you appear yesterday but I have not forgotten you - I was entrenched in the legality of the CL fiasco and didnt do much reading yesterday.
    I do hope all is well with the check up - as you say with this close monitoring not too much can slip through can it. All the best - love mousie xx


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