A toe in the water

I have been dipping in and out of purplecoo all day while supposedly getting the cottage ready for guests. It's just like going back to school after the long holidays and rushing around to see who else is back. I'm so very glad to see so many names and some new ones and some, like brownmouse, who seemed to have disappeared and who has popped up again. Do hope chickenlicken will change her mind and has anyone been in touch with woozle?

I have a load of work to do but Ian has gone away to babysit for Sam and Chris has gone back to university so there is no guilt, nobody being neglected and every opportunity to mess about for a bit and find my feet here. It is supposed to rain here tomorrow so I will work then, along with doing the ironing, potting on the nicotiana, cleaning out the pantry, sending out some cottage leaflets, ringing my mother, shaving my legs, doing some filing, yeah right as my sons would say.

I never really cracked putting up photos in the other place so hope I can sort that here as we have so many I would love to share.

Ian has been making progress on the henhouse, to his own design naturally. It seems to have got bigger and more ambitious as the day wore on. I am really looking forward to going on the egg collecting foray to Oswestry on Thursday. The idea of our chickens being hatched for us really appeals. Might even buy a couple as point of lay as well and then we get the best of both worlds.

Right, going to post this now and see what we have achieved!


  1. Wow I think I have found you - what w super page with the pics and all - mine is very garish and pink - well it had to be didnt it. Great here isnt it.

  2. Your site looks brilliant, I didn't venture into photos today, had such a bother getting on left it at that for now, good to find friends here. We were also busy with cottages today.

  3. Gosh - I have read your profile and we are similar - I somehow thought we might be - except I have just the two step sons - and your green is my pink - actually I have a lot of green at home but there isnt a green bagpuss mouse!! I feel quite at home here and might try to be less fluffy -I really must say again how super your page is.

  4. what a fab page you have created - that pic of after the storm is breathtaking.

  5. Elizabethm, I congratulate you - your page looks absolutely gorgeous! How lovely to see you in full blogging swing again. Don't you think the pics look great in the new Stately Home?

  6. Beautiful photographs, elizabethm. I love North Wales.

    Looking forward to reading more of your blogs.

    LBD x

  7. Hello from New York,
    Your site is so polished. If I ever do get that digital camera I have been writing about for months, and have the time to figure out how to use it, I will definitely get your help in how to create a lovely home-site.
    That would be just the sort of sharing of info and interests that our new neighborhood could provide.
    Cheers, and looking forward to seeing you soon,

  8. I love you page and love the photos!

    Woozle is here,I think, wish chicken little would come too!

  9. You really have got a fbulous page Elizabeth, how do you manage it! Easy on the eye as ever. Love your pics.


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