Upcoming weekend

This morning I should have been going to the hairdressers but it is pouring down here and if I had the car Ian would have to go to work on his motorbike. So here I am, hair needing attention. I am now supposed to go into overdrive cleaning and shining the house as younger daughter is hosting a hen weekend here for her best friend. Since it includes a new mother and her ten week old baby I think it is unlikely to be riotous. All the girls who we have met, more than half of them, are lovely and pretty sensible so I don't think they will be in gorillagram territory.

I am so hoping the sun will shine. At the moment we are in a very wet cloud and this place responds powerfully to sunshine. Just now I would imagine that nine city girls will think it is a god forsaken windswept nightmare. When the sun shines it looks like paradise on earth.

So M has gone off shopping with a mega list to begin a marathon cook in. She is so organised you would not believe: lists for this and lists for that and timetables and schedules. When I had my 50th birthday she catered for two meals for 50 people so this should be a breeze. She is so talented and I am so proud of her.

I am going to remove all the piles of things awaiting attention - photo frames waiting for photos, material waiting to be turned into cushion covers, papers waiting to be filed, recipes waiting to be cooked, gardening books that I am in the middle of consulting (just the eight of those), washing waiting to go in the machine, ironing waiting to be done. What is it with all this stuff, all the lovely detritus of living, hanging around waiting for people to bring it to life?

So must go and get sorting and polishing! Have a good day.


  1. Snap! I AM going to the hairdressers today and I'm even - since Tom is threatening to blow our small funds on a boat - getting it coloured instead of doing it myself as usual.

  2. There is something quite lovely about the time before a gathering....all the expectation - a house can tell and in my over-fertile imagination starts getting excited and a bit sparky.
    Hmm, chickens and terriers aren't a good combo. Do the farm terriers come onto your patch? Mind you, good solid (as in, into the ground with ZERO gaps) fencing should keep the puggers out (and you'd need it anyhow for foxes)....
    I like the idea of getting free eggs without the hassle of keeping the chickens! Well, there has tobe a good side to having neighbours! jx

  3. I'm waiting for visitors too. A while ago my eldest asked me to look after the kids while they went to a wedding. He forgot to mention the wedding was in Greece and they'd be gone four days. Be careful what you volunteer for. I've got a 13 month old baby and a VERY active four year old arriving soon. I'm in the process of moving anything precious into the spare room.
    Hopefully the cat will do his best to keep them in order....

  4. Hairdressers! My hair needs colouring again, and cutting. I'm having guests arriving tomorrow staying till Monday and the list of things I need to do is endless. I'm finding alsorts of other things to do in the meantime! Crystal x

  5. I love waiting for the house to be filled - especially if someone else is doing all the work! Your daughter sounds very capable and generous. Hope the sun comes out for you - it's trying to break through here after a night of storms. You've reminded me that I need to get my hair coloured - too many grey hairs peeping through!

  6. what fun a hen party!!My house is full of deritus like yours!

  7. Shame its raining too much and you didn't get your hair done.

    Oh What fun a Hen party, hope it all goes fabulously well.

  8. I need the hairdressers but had a quick trim round my fringe last night - it will go another couple of weeks I think. My neck hurts so at the sink.
    Your daughter sounds a treasure - I must say though daughter outlaw mucks in when she is here, so cant complain. She has just been on a hen weekend complete with the Heiress - I think it must be the norm to take the babies now!

  9. Hope all goes well with the party weekend. How lovely that your daughter is so organised, she must have learned that from you as she was growing up.

  10. ditto hair needs doing, that garden you emailed me about plas y llan. sounds good..please please give this dope a reminder closer..xx how about meeting sbs and cca and woozle it would be fun if we could coordinate,,xx

  11. Enjoy feathering your nest and I'm sure the sun will shine for you. Wonderful to have a housefull - a lot of work beforehand but then just sit back and enjoy it. They will all be bowled over with it.xx

  12. Reading your blogs is very calming I think it is the way you write.

    Gosh your daughter is magnificent I find it hard enough catering for the six of us living here let alone any more. My hubs normally does the big stuff.

    It is role reversal here I normally stay somewhere around a generous 12 whereas hubs has to keep control of his weight and finds it hard to lose unless he does mega running sessions which he doesn't really have the time for.

  13. There's nothing like that nice glow the house has when it's all ready for company. I hope all goes well for the hen party - will you be allowed to pop in?

  14. WOW! Am rather jealous a houseful of girls, cooking, gossiping and babies. ahh, that's what being a god mum's all about. can't wait to host those kinds of parties

  15. Hello Elizabeth. Loved your list. As for the piles awaiting attention - I love those too! There is nothng more cheering to my sad soul than a pile of projects waiting for the magic touch xx

  16. I too always have piles of things around. The rainbow pic is fabulous. Yes it is paradise on earth when the sun shines in the Welsh hills, I agree. It is lovely waiting for guests WHEN all the work has been done. Great when visitors come and great when they go and you can flop!

  17. it's STILL raining. Just what is going on! Hope you had a great time with your visitors.


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