Tulips and a greenhouse

It is such a glorious day here that I thought I would share a few pictures with you.

This is a tulip called Angelique. I tried several new ones in small quantities and this one is certain to be reordered in the autumn.

This one is Flamingo. It may be an utter show off but I like this one too in small quantities.

These are in pots overlooking the valley, somewhat windblown and battered throughout April but shining in the sun today. They are Pimpernel.And this is the view from my greenhouse (liberally sprinkled with dandelions). Thank you Ian for spending all day yesterday assembling it, one of the best presents I have ever had.


  1. Oh how fantastic Elizabeth! That is such a perfect present and the view is amazing too. What are you planning to grow in it? Love the beds all ready for action. Not too sure about the second tulip, but I think Angelique is a beauty xx

  2. Lovely tulips - I like Angelique best (got all the Angelique books with the pretty 60's covers)

    Super present, bet you are very happy.

  3. I like the Pimpernel ones best and you've photographed it beautifully. Was t'shed a birthday present ?!?! And does Woozle's comment on your last blog mean that any of you are going to Malvern, or is it too far? Because it's not a million miles from here, an hour I think.

  4. How beautiful! I love the Angelique. That's a wonderful greenhouse.

  5. Gorgeous gorgeous - especially the Flamingo - that one really captured my imagination. Oh how lovely of Ian to put up the greenhouse for you . . . men can be sooooo lovely can't they!

  6. Pimpernel - fantastic - one of these came by mistake in my tulip order - much nicer than the rather boring burgundy fringe it was in with.
    Thank you for the name - on my reorder list.
    Wonderful greenhouse,

  7. Elizabeth, these tulips are such dramatic signs of spring, with such different personalities.

    I really enjoyed reading your prior blog about the trip to the garden centers, another sign of spring, involving different personalities that obviously enjoyed each other immensely.

    And that greenhouse, my oh my.
    More envy from someone whose city window sills do not receive enough sun to keep plants alive for long.

    I so enjoy seeing what beautiful gardens all of the folks on this site have. Really, you give me views I would not otherwise have.
    Thank you. xo

  8. How beautiful ! Such lovely flower photos and what a view!!

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  9. Cor, what a view. I have just spent an hour and a half clearing up in my city back yard and I swear I didn't make a dent. Then I had to stop as my little one fell up the stairs while trying to carry me a "smoothie" (yoghurt mixed with water). Seven steps of dripping smoothie and a four year old who seemed to have a broken rib or two (but is fine now) told me it was time to call it a day for today!

  10. I love the pimpernels best. Wonderful pictures, and what a fabulous view you have from your greenhouse, Elizabeth.

  11. ooooo, I like the flamingo! and for a minute i had a panic attack when i saw how clean the greenhouse windows are...then read that it was put up yesterday.

  12. There's a lovely sense of anticipation at a freshly prepared raised bed.

    Nice looking greenhouse. Dead envious.

  13. Wonderful photos and that view is superb. Just off to read your previous post.

  14. What a splendid greenhouse - ours is full of clutter and needs to be cleared out before the tomatoes can go in, so I'm very envious. I've been enjoying catching up on your recent posts, too - how wonderful that you have the chance to meet up with nearby bloggers and find so many kindred spirits, your day out sounds lovely.

  15. Sob. My greenhouse has lost most of its panes of glass and is infested with bindweed.
    Love the tulips......yup the second one could be overpowering if too much of it, but the odd splash would be fabulous. I'm also a sucker for soft pink ones....

  16. Wow you lucky thing! Have no room for a green house. What a magnificent view across the hills. Wow again! Love your tulips! So fresh & clear!

  17. What exhuberant tulips - Flamingo has the sort of colouring a child and a packet of crayons might dream up.

    That greenhouse is going to be worth its weight in gold - lucky you. Look forward to seeing it later in the year when it is bursting at the seams with produce.

  18. They are stunning, as is the greenhouse...and the view. Reminiscent of around here in a way.

    Happy greenhouse gazing!

  19. oh, SO beautiful! my tulips are just starting to open.
    what gorgeous pictures.

  20. Have Angelique in my garden, and it seems to do well from year to year, the others are striking! Looks like a very posh Greenhouse, I now have greenhouse envy!

  21. That is a landscape begging to be walked into. What a perfect view to gaze out at while working in the greenhouse.

    Spectacular flowers! I wonder how they would grown in Northern Maine...

  22. Oh, sob, I want... my angeliques look nothing like yours - far more gaudy and brash. Hmmm, wonder if it's something to do with the soil or the climate?

  23. What lovely pictures!I haven't come across the flamingo tulip before - it's beautiful and certainly announces its presence!

  24. I love the Flamingo flowers, so striking! Wonderful pictures :)

  25. Oh what a gorgeous garden and outlook! Sigh...

  26. Lovely greenhouse and view too.


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