See you soon!

Well off I go! The rucksack is packed (and much heavier than I thought it would be). Having packed and repacked about four times I can think of nothing else to take out so off we go. Boots and socks are ready in the kitchen. This morning we drive down to Chepstow and walk the tiny amount of the trail out to Sedbury cliffs on the Severn River. Dinner with my brother and niece tonight and then tomorrow the long walk Northwards and homewards begins.

At the moment my thought is that if we make the first four days to Hay on Wye, of book festival fame, we will probably be ok as they are long and hard days and we will not be at out fittest. If not, well I will see you sooner than the middle of June when we expect to be back again. I might ask Ian to blog one or two updates and hope to take loads of photographs.

Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck! Good weather forecast - you should get a tan!

    Look forward to hearing all about it!

  2. Good luck and enjoy. Should be beautiful up to Hay (and beyond!).

  3. Best foot of luck, and enjoy yourselves.

  4. Good luck Elizabeth and look froward to hearing all about it on your return xx

  5. Ooh, jolly good luck - try not to overdo it and I hope the weather holds out for you. Just don't think of the blisters!!!

  6. Good Luck, its a wonderful thing to do, I admire you. Enjoy!

  7. Good Luck, Elizabeth! Enjoy your journey and do tell us all about it when you return.

  8. May God go with you, which I am sure will be the case. He loves to be with his beloved children when they are out enjoying His gifts to us.

  9. You don't need luck. You are going to have an amazing time and I envy you hugely. Enjoy it all (blisters and everything!) and can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.

  10. Bon voyage - if Offa could do it, so can you. Surely the thought of looking round the book shops at Hay is enough to spur you on.

  11. Very best of luck. Keeping fingers crossed for good weather, good photos, and no blisters. Enjoy your walk.

  12. I wish you the very best of luck. Have a great time.

  13. Have you got blister pads? Suncream? at least seven pairs of socks? a couple of tubigrips (good for weary knees)? phone number of helicopter rescue?

    Wave at Bishop's Castle when you pass.

    Now go for it!

  14. Safe travels!
    I know you will do it. Get some epsom salts ready for your bath when you return! They really work well.
    I look forward to seeing all of your pictures of your journey.

  15. Good luck!
    Looking forward to pictures and your good descriptions!

  16. Jolly good luck!
    I know I've missed you, you'll have gone by now.
    I'll be thinking of you walking amongst that wonderful scenery.
    I do hope the weather is dry and not too hot.
    I look forward to hearing (and seeing) all about it when you get back.
    Take good care

  17. Have a wonderful time! Such a long walk is one of my dreams, so I look forward to reading all about it.

  18. Late as ever! Thinking of you and wishing you well.
    Look forward to hearing the tales in due course.

  19. chepstow! the wye valley walk! i did part of that (all the way to tintern abbey, i believe) many many years ago. you will have a wonderful time! good luck and enjoy and bring us back tales.

  20. Good luck, Elizabeth! By now I trust you will be well into your stride and snapping away at all the fabulous views (hope the weather hasn't been too hot for you, but I understand it's going to be a bit cooler now). Rucksacks are always a lot heavier than they look, I find. Looking forward to hearing all about it in due course.

    Bon voyage.


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