Did it!

We did it! 182 miles and sixteen days away and we have walked the length of Wales. It might take me a day or two to find my camera among the dirty washing and the forest of weeds but I will blog about it properly when I have drawn breath. It has been totally great but isn't it wonderful to be home!


    Knew you would do it but all the same it is good that you got safely back after such a long walk.
    Looking forward to the photos.
    Lovely header BTW!

  2. Congratulations Elizabeth, it is a fantastic achievement! Glad to hear you are safely back home; you are right, there is nothing like it!

    Look forward to reading all about your adventures.


  3. Well done Elizabeth!!
    I'm so pleased for you. What an achievement!!
    I'm so looking forward to your photgraphs and adventures.

  4. Congratulations. Looking forward to pictures, like everyone. You need some home time now. Blessings

  5. Well done you! What a year this is turning out to be for you... new and wonderful. Look forward to more soon but catch your breath first and enjoy being home :-)

  6. Well done you - that's one hell of an achievement. Hope the blisters aren't too bad!

  7. Welcome Home! Can't wait to hear all about it. Will be fascinated to know which bits stole your heart with the views etc and where was the most friendly / indifferent. Anyway, enjoy being home and look forward to the full report!

  8. Good for you! Looking forward to pictures and stories.

  9. Well done. Would love to see the photos.

  10. Congratulations!! You reached your goal! Sounds like you had a wonderful walk and I look forward to hearing more about it and seeing some photos. In the meantime, put your feet up and have a cuppa!

  11. Congratulations! look forward to reading all about it.

  12. Well done you!! Will look forward to reading your blog when you have had time to recover!

  13. Elizabeth - I was just about to switch off when I spotted your name and saw that you had posted a blog - hurrah I thought - she is back - must find out if she did it all. Well you did. Congratulations - footsore and with lots of washing to do, I'll bet you are still over the moon. Look forward to seeing bits of Offa when you find your camera.

  14. Well Done, Elizabeth. Many congratulations. Looking forwad to hearing about the blister creams and rainwear and seeing some super photos.

  15. Congratulations Elizabeth, you can be proud. I look forward to hearing all about it.

  16. Congratulations! That is one blog post I can't wait to read.

  17. Well done, and congratulations! Looking forward to hearing all about it.

  18. Many congratulation Elizabeth! It's wonderful to reach for a goal, but as you say, perfect to be home again.

  19. Congratulations, Elizabeth -- you've accomplished your goal. (My brain is going fuzzy at just the thought of 182 miles in 16 days.) Looking forward to your report on the trek!

  20. Fantastic Elizabeth!
    Looking forward to seeing the pictures of your journey.

  21. You must be on a walking high. Congratulations. You are an amazing woman and now you know you can do almost anything. Well done.

  22. Hello & congratulations!!!

    I've just found your blog. I am typing to you from Chicago, Illinois, USA. In 5 days, I leave to England & begin my solo Offa's Dyke hike on Tuesday, June 30. Reading your blog has made me more excited & helped quiet some of my butterflies. I feel a kinship to you & your hiking companion as I, too, am a woman doing this journey.

    Per your recommendation, I've just emailed the Park Cottage to stay there my first night.

    If you have other recommendations of B&Bs along the way, and other words of wisdom, I would appreciate hearing from you.

    Thank you. Hmmm...Perhaps I, too, will create a blog...



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