Halfway there!

Ian here - Elizabeth has asked me to report that, after six days of walking and one rest day, she and her friend have reached Knighton, the halfway point on her south-north trek up the Offa's Dyke trail.
Fortunately, the weather has been fantastic - if anything too hot and sunny (I certainly thought so when I accompanied them on their first day). The second half could be 'interesting' as the weather is now definitely on the change and quite a bit of rain is heading their way.
I shall leave E to tell her own stories about blisters, insect bites, prickly heat, etc. Suffice it to say that I am very proud of her achievement and looking forward to joining her in a week's time for a triumphal march into Prestatyn.


  1. Please wish her love and positive thoughts and strong legs for the oncoming journey!

  2. Go Elizabeth Go!!

    Glad the weather has been so kind to you and hope that it holds on a bit longer.


  3. Be safe and enjoy. Will be waiting for great pics.

  4. Brilliant!
    Tell her we are really proud of her progress. Looking forward to the pictures.

  5. Thank you for the update- I've been wondering how the walk was going.

    Here's hoping that the hardest part is behind her and the way to the finish is easy. And that the weather stays decent and a little cooler.

  6. Great to get that update - thank you.
    Way to go Elizabeth!

  7. Thank you Ian, I've been thinking of Elizabeth.
    Please send best regards from Crete.

  8. So pleased to hear everything is going well.

    Get the flags out, Prestatyn!!

  9. I wish I could be in Prestatyn to wave a flag on her arrival. Offa would be proud of her.

  10. Well done Elizabeth. I've thought about you walking northwards - especially in these last few hot days.

    See you soon!

    ...and thank you Ian for the update.

  11. Well done Elizabeth (and Ian)
    Hope to catch up with you soon.

  12. Ah I know Knighton well, do send Elizabeth my very best wishes and lots of good luck for the rest of the walk.

  13. A pity the weather couldn't compromise and be reasonable throughout but I suppose it will all add to the variety of the adventure. When you speak you can tell her lots of folk are waiting for the stories of her walk and wish her well for the second half.

  14. I hope the rain has gone by the time she reaches us in Churchstoke - best wishes Elizabeth!

  15. Best wishes. Good luck! Hope you're not getting too wet.

  16. so delighted to hear this! send her our best. hiking in a light rain woudln't be bad-- will keep her cool, as long as it's not torrential.

  17. Thanks for the update, Ian...send her our love, won't you? Yesterday it sloshed down all day - so truly hope it's better in Wales. janexx

  18. I've been thinking of her this week - it was very hot for walking, but the last twenty-four hours has seen constant rain here on the west Wales coast. Well done Elizabeth - keep going.

  19. Thanks Ian - hope she hasn't been washed away in the last few days of rain / snow / apocalyptic weather. We are all thinking of her and can't wait to hear all about it.

  20. You go, girl! We are all very proud of you, too. Lots of cake in order when you finally get back. Looking forward to hearing all about it.


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