Chick update

Go away, can't you see I have chicks to look after?

Oh my God, I have lost one.  Nobody ever tells you how hard this mothering business is.  I need eyes in the back of my head.

No, it's OK.  All present and correct again.  Why don't you just go away and leave me alone?  I have work to do and you are really not helping.


  1. How sweet! We have a broody sitting on eggs not sure how many she has left she is a great big thing and kept stommping on tehm then changing her mind abotu where she wanted to sit and rolling them into differnt corners of the hen house to check out the viw... then roling them back again! Ah well time will tell!

  2. How lovely. I'd be wanting to sit and watch them all day if they were mine!

  3. She's a beautiful hen! I always hate the bit when the hens start to get nasty with the chicks (when they're about 3 weeks old). Like saying "stand on your own two bloody feet". Makes you realise that all of life has something in common.

    Bisou, Cro.

  4. They're gorgeous. She's lovely too. Now I'm feeling broody! (I'm currently hen-less and missing them. I shall enjoy yours while I await my replacements.)

  5. Oh lovely! I shall have to go and herd my girls in here to look at these pictures.

  6. Hello,
    Your post is very funny. I love it.

  7. They are so adorable. My grandmother used to raise chickens. The chickens themselves I kind of hated (they were mean) but I always loved the chicks and I especially loved it when she had to put a hen's eggs in the incubator. It had a glass top, and I can remember sitting over it, mesmerized, as the chicks pecked through their shells.

  8. Oh how lovely. Is there anything cuter than new chicks?

  9. Oh Elizabeth ! They are so cute!

  10. Too too sweet!
    No rooster here, so the only chicks we'll have will come at a day old to be raised on our sunshine and wonderful well water and organic feed and then grace our dinner table through the next year.

  11. First day out into the run today. Chicks took turns, while hopping back up into the hen house, to be the hopeless one who fell out again but all present and correct again as the pophole went down tonight.

  12. We are in the market for some new chickens. We used to have Black Rock, but they "disappeared" (still a mystery) on our summer vacation last year. Then we tried out some White Silkies, but didn't like them much -- too decorative. I need some good layers.

    I am coming to Wales this summer, for the first time! So looking forward to it. May I order some nice sunny days from you?

  13. Wow! I could just eat them up - figuratively of course!


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