The Caerwys Show

One of the things I love about living here is the local agricultural show.  Caerwys is not a big place and the show is not a big show like the Royal Welsh, but it is a busy and thriving one.  The sun has shone on every one of the five I have been to and people turn out from all over North Wales and the borders to ride, show their animals, display their vintage tractors and their prize winning sponge cakes.  Next year I might even contemplate entering.  I think my jam might make the grade, or if not, perhaps a cake or some vegetables.

We arrive to judging going on in the main ring.
We wander around.  There is so much that catches my eye.  Alpacas, all shaved and brushed and in their Sunday best.

I make a beeline for the poultry tent.  Last year I left it too late and all the birds were being packed away by the time I got there.  I've never been a shoes and handbags kind of a girl, more a books and plants person, but I have now added to my personal wishlist this beautiful little hen.  I must watch myself or I will end up talking to my poultry and carrying chicks around in my pocket.
This is not one to go into your pocket.  Four year old grandson told me solemnly last week "You have to be careful of bulls, Grandma, bulls are the most dangerous things, bulls and tyrannosaurus rexes."    Don't say you haven't been warned.
They go in for big at the show.  Big or old.  I had run out of steam by the time we got to the vintage tractors and the vintage cars, never mind the stunt motorbikes, and somehow I was so busy wondering whether my stuff would be good enough to enter anything in the produce tent that I forgot to take any photos, a mistake as it would have been a photographic record of the competition!
Do other people have a list of things they would learn to do if they had another life to do them in?  Things that, if you had started early enough in life might have become a passion, but probably won't now ever find a place in the time which remains on this earth?  I would learn a musical instrument, how to ride a horse, how to ski and I would learn how to handle birds of prey.  They are so beautiful, so ancient, so other.
This was  not other, but small scale, almost domestic, part of the dog show.  How could son and daughter in law's beautiful, odedient and friendly dog not win a prize?  (Biased, us? Never.)  Perhaps it was because there was not a category for shiniest dog.

It was a lovely day.  We gave a raffle prize of some time in our holiday cottage, Gwenoldy.   I hope whoever wins it will enjoy it up here.


  1. That bird looks very impressive - but I think it might be a cockerel. Huge wattel and comb.

  2. I think the dog looks lovely - the shadows on his face aren't flattering but his coat sure is glossy!!!

  3. You are right Cathy. That is what comes of trying to blog and watch the TV at the same time!

  4. Sounds like a great day out. And I love your description of birds of prey. I'm always fascinated, too, if I ever see a demonstration. Although I'm not so keen on the bits of mice they feed them. Not a country girl, no.

  5. The Caerwys show is a great local date in the calendar. If my three year old granddaughter from Melbourne ever visits at the right time, it's just the kind of event that she would love. Pigs, dogs and bouncy castles. Seeing things through her eyes is like seeing them again for the first time. Neil.

  6. That would have been a wonderful show to attend. Thank you for the photos you did take1

  7. It sounds a lovely day Elizabeth.

    Going to Agricultural shows has to be just about my most favourite way to spend a day. I've loved them since I was a girl. But the strange thing is both my boys HATE it!


  8. I used to love the old style Agricultural Shows. We don't have anything like that here in France; maybe I should start one!

  9. How would one call that dog's colour? I think it is just amazing and pity he did not win a price. My very first encounter with such a country show was 7 years ago on Cheshire Country Show in Knutsford. I would love to be there again, who knows perhaps one day. And always, you have rare breeds and the full range of passionate things to see, taste, smell. I love the Alpacas! Nice that some people can stay in your cottage!

  10. What a healthy looking collection of animals...

  11. I am going to be picky - may I be picky? though anonymous has said it before me - about the bird looking mighty like a cockerel. Still you never know. It hasn't got much a a cockerel's tail. (Which reminds me what has happened to your peacock. recently?). Nor do I think you saw ancient birds of prey - at least the one you photographed looks suspiciously like an owl. But of course that isn't what you meant and I am just being aggravating for the sake of it so I shall draw this note to a close and runaway (before you hit me) and do something useful.

  12. I can quite understand your interest in that very beautiful chicken/hen/rooster . Lovely colour ! Meanwhile , your jam and pickles will walk away with the prize next year .
    And whoever won that raffle prize is in for a rare treat . I wish I'd had a ticket .

  13. What lovely pix, although I found the Alpacas a bit disturbing. They looked like Superalpacas who had been starving themselves for the show, shouldn't they be woolly and cuddly?!

  14. Nice day, glad the sun shone for you.
    I love the ag. shows and there are a good few to chose from in Cumbria, just hope so many don't get rained off this year as has happened so often recently.

  15. That is the shiniest dog I've ever seen - indeed, I don't think I've ever actually seen a shiny dog!
    What a great day you had - thanks for taking us with you. Next year you have to enter something!

  16. Ah - that looks like a blissful place. What a day! For Bear and I, here on Long Island, we live for our Scottish Highland Games every year. They're held out on the grounds of a large Biltmore family estate called Old Westbury Gardens. There are birds of prey, bagpipe bands, meat pies and bridies and haggis galore, tents and tents full of Scottish goodies to buy, historical reenactors that give recitals on ancient instruments and talks on old weaponry... just a few months now until it comes round again!

    I've never seen a dog that shiny in my life. What a beaut!

  17. Horse shows and country fairs are such a lot of fun, aren't they?

    And it's never too late to learn a new trick! I didn't learn to ride a horse until I was 50 and now have three horses and thunder about the farm jumping whatever I fancy and skirting around what I don't. Try it!


    PS It is a cockerel - perhaps you have more to learn than you think!!!

  18. Yes, yes, I agree, it is a cockerel. Just not got brain in gear while typing.

  19. Now we've well and truly established that it's a cockeral... do you think your hens might like to meet him?

    I love country shows too, but also have teenage children who are less than interested :( I thoroughly enjoyed sharing the Caerwys show with you! Thank you.


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