Sometimes I just think I am so jammy!

This week a book arrived in the post.  Always a good thing.  I didn't pay for the book as it is a review copy which has also to be a good thing, although to be honest I would have happily paid and if you read my earlier review of Toby Buckland's book you will see that getting a review copy does not equate to unqualified adulation in the review.  I did  like Toby's book, mind, just not enough to buy it.

This book is Mark Diacono's Taste of the Unexpected.  Mark is the head gardener at River Cottage and in his own garden at Otter Farm he grows unexpected and delightful things to eat.  This book is an encouragement to us all to break out of the ruts full of potatoes and carrots in which we all plod and have a go at new and unusual fruit and vegetables.

I can't review it yet because I am still reading it and probably will be for a bit because it bears close attention and I am still thinking about it.  This is unusual for me.  Normally I'm a bit of a skimmer and a rusher and a reader until two in the morning because I just can't bear to stop.

So this is a bit of a non blog really!  It's not a review, because I am not ready yet.  It's more of a little skippety bounce about how lucky I am to be able read interesting books and, if not get paid for it (now that would be something wouldn't it), at least not be out of pocket.

Sorry, can't stay, off to knock off another chapter before we go out to the pub.  Oh I do like my life sometimes!


  1. I cannot forgive River Cottage for jumping onto the bandwagon and pushing the price of belly pork into the realms of the finest fillet steak, Moll. I'm glad you are enjoying yourself though!

  2. I love River Cottage and have read some articles by him, so can imagine the book would be great. Otter Farm sounds bliss doesn't it? x

  3. Oh Ho, pay attention Ann, for I am back at Malvern right this very moment and see that MD is to be on stage in the Good Life Pavilion tomorrow. Review books are sometimes something I hold onto for ever; other times, no comment. Hope you are well; I did not get time to speak to you properly when we met in the Spring, under the lee of these beautiful hills. A.

  4. I had a bit of a skip when the book arrived too :)

  5. Tom - Moll, who is Moll? clearly have always wished to be one but remain stubbornly respectable.

  6. I do apologise, I was confusing you for another Welsh lady... *I am really confused now, must be the mushrooms).

  7. Elizabeth, I've been a River Cottage fan from the outset, simply because he lives the same way as I do (although I'm in S W France).

    May I make Tom jealous by reminding him that at this time of year Belly Pork is sold here at about €2 a kilo. The last time I saw proper slabs of Belly on sale at a proper UK butcher, it was about £8 per pound!!! Why?

  8. My copy arrived this morning Elizabeth ~ can't wait to make inroads :) Have a great weekend.

  9. BIG envy here! My sister gets stacks of books to review from Random House and when I visit her I paw through them and come away with a few new ones. Now, getting paid to read...........

  10. Dear Elizabeth, It is always such fun to get books arriving in the post. With so many new titles appearing at all times, one is constantly being tempted.


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