This morning

This morning the sun rose over the misty valley.  It was so perfect a morning I went out with my camera in my dressing gown and slippers.  

I didn't walk on the grass, heavy with dew.

The house shone in the sun.

The kitchen garden glowed.

I wanted to get dressed and walk out into the view but there was a birthday cake to make for my much loved father in law's ninety second birthday.  What a morning to be alive in.  What a place to live in.  What a day.


  1. That looks wonderful - Tiger Woods would be envious, down there in Newport!

  2. Such a tranquil post. Lovely that you live in such an area.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  3. Dang - that makes me want to set fire to my house!

  4. Oh this looks so lovely, it is almost 12 months since we were in north Wales and this brought back memories.

  5. I can feel the dew on my bare feet now and it is cold and wet. How beautiful those views are.

  6. What a day to be alive, indeed! Life is a blessing. What a beautiful place you live, the home, the gardens, the view.

  7. A beautiful post! I love the world you live in! Thank you for inviting me to take a peek!

  8. Your pix bring back such memories. I love those old houses, and the rolling landscape is just wonderful. The land of my mother.

  9. How beautiful is that Elizabeth? I laughed at the thought of you in your dressing gown as I am forever doing that myself. Thank goodness the postie is always later in the day! x

  10. Gorgeous. I keep promising myself a walking holiday in North Wales -one of these days!

  11. I just love Autumn mornings like that, beautiful photos. Blowing a gale up here.

  12. Beautiful photos of a beautiful place. I made photographs when we were in Wales and still have not painted all of them. It was a visit that I remember with pleasure.

  13. I found myself getting lost in your beautiful pictures... and it was beautiful. You are so blessed.

  14. Dear Elizabeth, Certainly a day and a view to bring joy to the heart! Have a lovely weekend.

  15. Lots of wandering around in dressing gowns here too, and similar sentiments about being alive in such a moment. But in a landscape as lovely as yours? Only occasionally. Happy birthday to your FIL. What stories he must have.

  16. How absolutely beautiful it is - hardly seems real! Yes, you are indeed blessed to wake up and have such beauty just outside your door. And happy birthday to your beloved father-in-law.

  17. Morning is always the best time for photographs - for almost anything in fact.

  18. Tom - Tiger and all golfers would struggle up here. The angles are a bit acute!
    Maggie - It is beautiful, might not always be tranquil:)
    EPM - go for it!
    Penny - 12 months is far too long. You should come back.
    Nora - I maybe should have taken off my slippers and got my feet wet!

  19. Blessings on you and your lovely morning! It's a wonderful thing to be aware of how lovely these days are.

  20. I do love the way you count your blessings. I am inspired. Hope the cake baking went well!

  21. Beautiful photos ;0)

  22. I love the picture you describe of yourself out there, early and solitary in your night clothes, because that is something I often do. One of the greatest gifts of living in the country is the privacy I have to take my morning coffee in my housecoat, or check out the flowers in my pj's.

  23. If I lived there, all cakes would remain unbaked, and the only evidence of my whereabouts would be dark footprints in the dew, leading off into the mist...

  24. Yearn.

    Even in a city it was lovely on Thursday. But I'd rather live in the country.

  25. All our mornings at the moment start off grey and misty, We can't see as far as the church, much less the hills. But then the day gradually changes and there's glory all around.

    October is a peach of a month so far.

  26. Joy - it is very beautiful, but so are many other places.
    Linda - I lived in cities for many years so I do appreciate it.
    Cro - old houses are marvellous. I am not sure I could live in a new one any more, beautiful though they are. At least in an old house, nothing is your fault!
    Pip - glad to know I am not the only wanderer in my dressing gown.

  27. Wonderful pictures. It's so beautiful I could easily imagine myself standing there in my PJs and bare feet.

    I frequently wander outside on a beautiful morning like that in your photos, sip a cup of tea and feel the morning all around me. It is such a great way for this night owl to come to and face the day!

    I'm so grateful for you having joined in the Wales Blog Party at The Nut Press, as it's meant that I've now found your wonderful blog and 'met' you.

  28. O Elizabeth, how wonderful! There was such exhilaration in your last words. It is truly a beautiful world, and especially your part of it.
    Hope the birthday was fun for all.

  29. I truly enjoy your beautiful photos and your comforting writing. Following your blog from Sweden, sometimes your wonderful photos bring tears to my eyes. Married to a lovely welsh man, and reading your blog always makes me want to go over to our "second home". Thankyou!

  30. Ah - you are mocking me with those hills! No wonder you have an addiction for them.

  31. Marianne - well you should come here! would love to meet you.
    Posie - you live in a beautiful place too though!
    Peggy - I wish I could paint but photographs are my limit.
    Meredehuit - we are very lucky although it doesnt' always feel like when it is blowing a gale!
    Edith - thank you. I did have a good weekend and lots of gardening done.
    Denise - it is one of my great luxuries to be able to wander round in the dressing gown. Not much chance of being caught out up here!
    Ginny - it is in an area of outstanding natural beauty that is very little known really and not that far into Wales either!
    Mark - you are so right about photos in the morning. I am learning!

  32. Frith - it is a blessing and even more of a one to realise it!
    Laura - thank you. It is good to share it.
    Fennie - now inspiring Fennie is a thing to aim at.
    Lynda - thank you. Love your avatar picture too.
    Pondside - it is a luxury isn't it, that privacy?
    Fran - sometimes it is heaven. Sometimes it rains and blows and feels like a God forsaken hole.
    Esther and Rachel - it was perfect! A rare morning.
    Marcheline - I love the idea of your disappearing footprints!

  33. Isabelle - I lived in the city for many years but finally made it back to the country and have never looked back (though I do like a little blast of city life every now and then).
    Friko - October has been fabulous. I think you are a little lower down than we are. I have been finding that we start in sunshine but that I am often driving in gentle mist early in the day lower down.
    Kath - good to meet you too and thanks for hosting the Wales blog gathering!
    Deborah - such a different sort of beauty to your part of the world (parts perhaps I should say). I love the variety.
    Nancy - hi and welcome. You chose a good morning to come!
    Fru - Where in Wales is your husband from? It is a much bigger country than many realise but you will know that! and croeso too.
    LGF - no, no, never mocking you. I like to share my hills. You should come and have a fix.


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