And in a moment the world changes

At this time last week my major concern was that Ian's back was better but not quite right. I was bothered about the fact that I have bought some new grasses, which felt like a big deal after years of grass hating, and they were still in their pots. I was bothered about the achingly slow progress of my kitchen.
On Saturday morning my ninety two year old father in law fell and broke his hip. My life hasn't changed half as much as his but nothing is the same.


  1. Oh Elizabeth, I'm sorry. Breaking bones at that age is no picnic. I do hope all goes well. Janexx

  2. Elizabethm, I am so sorry to hear that the older we get the longer to heal. I know where you are coming from. I had my Mother for 8 years with Alzheimers. It was a 38 hour day. Just pace yourself and take time for you alone..You need time alone.

  3. First, let me say the big picture you have in your header is breathtaking! Is that what Wales looks like? You are very lucky, though from your post today, I'm sure you are sad and not feeling lucky. I hope all goes well for you. I just stumbled across your blog from a blogger-friend's blogroll and clicked on you. When your picture opened, I was blown away and had to comment. Take care.

  4. G' day From Australia, Everytime you get out bed in the morning something changes.

  5. Oh dear. It never rains, etc.

    I'm with Relax Max, every time I see your header photo I gasp. I really must go back some time.

  6. Oh dear, this does happen all too frequently. I hope he can be made comfortable quickly.

  7. I know only too well that you cant take anything for granted. I think sometimes we get worried about things which we think are a big deal but if you step back a moment you realise that in the scheme of things they arent that big a deal.

    I do hope your father in law gets better soon, although I know it takes longer the older we are. Deep breath count to 10 and look after yourself

  8. I fell in love with your header pic too, is that your view ? stunning ! Sorry to hear of your FIL, take care x

  9. Oh dear, sometimes it all gets too much and then more happens. I hope the patient is ok soon. I'm thinking of you.

  10. So sorry to hear about your father in law

  11. Life gets thrown into perspective by these things, doesn't it? Thinking of you x

  12. Best wishes to your father in law. healing is slower with age and my observation is that the process is driven most of all by the mind. If he wants to go on the hip will heal and he will be back on his feet again. Yet where would we be without change?
    As you keep showing us in your magnificent garden photographs.

  13. The suddenness is shocking, isn't it, and always rocks us a little.

    Here's hoping that he makes the same astonishing recovery as my friend's 92-year-old mother did when she broke her hip; within weeks of her fall she would have got those grasses out of their pots and into your garden for you in no time!

  14. Oh no. What a shame. Breaking a hip has to be bad at any age but in your 90's?? Damn.

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL's accident. A broken hips is life-changing at that age. I can well imagine how things have changed for the whole family - thinking of you - take care of yourself.

  16. I'm all too aware of the repercussions of an accident - as you know.

    Hope FIL is comfortable and you find a way forward that suits you all.

  17. Sorry to hear that. It's no joke at that age, especially as recovery can be difficult. I wish you all well.

  18. How awful! I hope he makes a full recovery!

  19. I am very sorry. That is not good at his age.
    Hoping he makes a good recovery though.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  20. So sorry to hear this Elizabeth ~ my slightly younger Dad (83) who has vascular dementia fell and broke his hip in May. Difficult days. Will be keeping your father in law in my thoughts ((((()))))

  21. Oh, I'm so sorry - this has to be hard on you, your FIL and family. It is a life-changer, but a good recovery might still be possible. Wishing you all the best -

  22. A disaster at that age.
    Here's hoping the outcome will be positive.

  23. Thinking of you and your family at this time. I hope all goes well.

  24. So sorry, really hope he heals well. The grasses will still be there when you have time for yourself and your garden again. Hope Ian's back survives all the stress and I presume travel too.

  25. Sending hugs and warm thoughts your way, with plenty to spare for your father-in-law!

  26. So sorry to hear that, Elizabeth. Shall be thinking of you.

  27. Thank you for so many kind comments. Much of this is not my story. The bits that are mine are a life dominated by hospital visiting and a hugely unknown future. It is helped by the fact that I am deeply fond of him. How hard this must be if duty is the only driver. I might still keep posting about quince jelly and roast lamb. I hope you won't mind!

  28. My father has been gone now for five years. He had fallen and broke his right hip and nine months later fell again and broke his left hip. The recovery is so hard for the elderly. There is not much you can do but take each day as they come. Take care of yourself or you will be too exhausted to be of help. Elizabethm, please enter my give away, I am going to mail it to what ever name I draw no matter how far away.

  29. Elizabeth, that's a rotten thing to happen, and so distressingly common. I hope he is able to recuperate from his break - I can imagine that the ripples from his accident have spread throughout the family.

  30. How awful for your father in law... thinking of you. Posie

  31. So sorry to hear about this, I know it can be very hard. But I have heard nurses say that a recovery can be bolstered when the patient is surrounded by friends and family - a very important 'medicine'. I'm sure you're all doing your best and before you know it he'll be mended.

  32. Dear Elizabeth, How true it is that in the briefest of moments one's whole world can be turned upside down. I try never to take things for granted since I really believe that there is just a thin line between joy and despair and one must make the most of times when things are going well.

    I do so hope that your father in law will make a speedy recovery.

  33. Oh dear, my sympathy. My 88-year-old aunt broke her hip in May and it wasn't a good thing at all. However, she's walking all right now, with a walker. There is hope. Best wishes to you all.

  34. Hi Elizabeth,
    I add my wishes for your father-in-law's speedy recovery. We all know this is a terrible accident for anyone, let alone someone his age. I do hope you're able to keep posting, if it helps you.
    Thursday last week my dear old pet was pronounced terminally ill, so I have some care-giving to do, and big decisions to make. I think the pain we feel when we're pressed to care is how we know we have loved.

  35. Oh that's so bad t.My wishes with your Father in law.Hope so they recover and get well soon quickly from this incident.

  36. Oh I'm so sorry Elizabeth. I hope things improve and I'm thinking of you. Emma x


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