Sometimes you just need to get out

It's lovely to be inside in the warm, especially when the kitchen smells of this morning's bread baking, but sometimes you just need to get out.

You just need to wade down to the viewpoint and wonder if there is more snow in the air.

You need to wander around the field, inspecting things.

If you are a cat you need to help with this.

Sometimes at quite close quarters.

You need to admire the only artichoke head left unpicked.

Or the sedum heads.

And then you need to come inside again into the warm.


  1. Lovely views, although I'm glad we don't have quite so much snow as you. Merry Christmas!

  2. You are well and truly in for a Canadian winter, and we'll have a UK Christmas with cloud and rain!
    Your images are lovely, as always. When you just need to get out, isn't it nice to get out into a little piece of paradise?

  3. Have a very Merry Christmas, Elizabeth, and enjoy the warn inside of your house in the snow.

  4. Have a lovely Christmas - hope you and your gorgeous cats all keep nice and warm!

  5. Poor puss! Definitely back in the warm again....

  6. Sometimes, you definitely need to get out, and what a beautiful spot you have to get out into :)

    But it is also rather lovely to be able to scuttle back into the warmth and thaw out!

    Have a lovely Christmas.

  7. Tell you cats to pick their feet up - those tracks are disgraceful.

  8. There's out and then there is ...out.

    A day in cold busy Shrewsbury today made me wish for the 'out' of my own few acres - where I can wander about in warm but inelegant clothes, horrid hat and substantial boots.

  9. Have a wonderful Christmas Elizabeth! I love the 'cat at close quarters' picture.

  10. Elizabeth I'm feeling just the same as you. The views are beautiful but I am desperate just out get out and go somewhere. Have a blessed peaceful Christmas

  11. Same here - we even walked down to Tuffins just for the fresh air and exercise. Happy Christmas.

  12. Hey Elizabeth, beautiful photos. I can imagine how you might get a dose of cabin fever.
    It's blue skies and sunshine here (sorry, but just had to tell you!)
    Enjoy your Christmas and all the best for 2011.

  13. You are so right , I always feel better after going out, as much as I love to hole up in the warmth of the house. I am going to get myself out and go see a movie(I say this proud of myself). Tomarrow we head to my daughters for Christmas..can't wait. Merry Christmas!

  14. Wonderful photos as usual. How I would love to be in the welsh hills for Christmas instead of hot and humid New Zealand

  15. If only I COULD get out. We've got about 2 ft of snow!

  16. So beautiful to see snow on the ground, and to have large and private spaces to enjoy being in it. I yearn for the big sky and skeletal trees that you have. I hope you have a lovely Christmas Elizabeth.

  17. Hope all is well with you and yours. Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. cx

  18. So true! Once again, thank you for sharing. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year! I look forward to reading more.

  19. Lovely to see your cats! Happy Christmas!

  20. Blessings, love, warmth, joy, egg nog, and peace to you and yours!

    - M

  21. What a landscape! Happy Christmas.

  22. Happy New Year and hope you had a super Christmas!

  23. You missed the throwing snowballs bit!

    Happy Christmas.



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