Herbs for free!

OK, roll up, roll up. Here is a change and a chance to win something! You know me. I am a bit selfish with this blog. I blog about what I like and what interests me. I get a lot of emails asking me to review this and that and most of them come from people who don't seem to have read my blog or to have any idea of what I write about so generally they cheerily get dumped! But I had a really nice email the other day from someone who works for Wish UK . She had clearly read my blog and thought about it and how it connected to her company and she wanted to know if I would like to run a competition. It's not often I have the chance to give away anything nice to you lovely people so I thought I would give it a go. Wish UK is a gift providing company. You know the sort of thing: driving a Ferrari, having a spa break, hot air ballooning, learning to fly a bird of prey. Oddly they didnt't want to offer any of these things as a...