Herbs for free!

OK, roll up, roll up.  Here is a change and a chance to win something!

You know me.  I am a bit selfish with this blog.  I blog about what I like and what interests me.  I get a lot of emails asking me to review this and that and most of them come from people who don't seem to have read my blog or to have any  idea of what I write about so generally they cheerily get dumped!  But I had a really nice email the other day from someone who works for Wish UK.  She had clearly read my blog and thought about it and how it connected to her company and she wanted to know if I would like to run a competition.  It's not often I have the chance to give away anything nice to you lovely people so I thought I would give it a go.

  Wish UK is a gift providing company.

You know the sort of thing: driving a Ferrari, having a spa break, hot air ballooning, learning to fly a bird of prey.  Oddly they didnt't want to offer any of these things as a prize but you can have a go at winning a free kit to grow your own herbs  

The gift box contains: 1 packet of basil seeds. 1 packet of parsley seeds. 1 packet of thyme seeds. 1 packet of chive seeds. 1 packet of rosemary seeds. 5 starter growing pots made from coconut husk. 5 natural coconut husk compost discs which expand when watered. 5 wooden plant markers. Herb garden growing tips. So everything you need to get started with herbs and all for free so the ideal way  of experimenting!

All you have to do is to go over to Wish UK and have a look around.  There is a great variety of presents on offer and the prices look pretty good to me.  Then if you would like a chance to win the herb kit just leave a comment indicating that you want to be included in the draw.  If you can make sure that you have an email contact on your blogger profile I can let you know if you win and, with your permission,  I will pass that contact on to Wish UK so that they can send out the prize.  I will put the names of everyone who has commented into a hat on Wednesday 3rd August and get a passing small child to draw the winner.

I am a big fan of herbs and my own garden is full of mints, sages, rosemary, thyme, chives, basil and oregano.  The wonderful thing about growing herbs is that you can eat them as well as grow them and, just as good, bees and butterflies love them so you are doing your bit to help pollinating insects too.


  1. You are lucky to be able to grow basil outdoors. Here in the North I have to grow mine in a pot indoors. I use it such a lot.

  2. We have to start ours off in the greenhouse but it can come outside when the tomatoes do which is handy because they go together so well!

  3. Golly! I can't believe I haven't sown any basil yet this year! How did that happen?

    Tomatoes and basil.... and mozzarella!


  4. I know what you mean celia. Somehow I have no parsley. How did I manage that?

  5. I can't grow basil for the life of me. It always dies on me. Wish is a great place to find something unusual as a gift and I'd forgotten about it until today. I shall be getting my Mum a chocolate workshop for her birthday I think:)

  6. I have loads of herbs (mixed in with roses) in beds just in front of my house. The herbs I use most often, though -- basil, coriander and flat-leaf parsley -- have to grown on the windowsill, though. I'm impressed that you can get your basil to thrive outside!

    btw, we aren't going to move to Oxford this year. Hopefully, I will get inspired by the garden again soon. I have really let things drift this summer.

  7. It surprises me that one might grow rosemary from seed rather than from a cutting. I hadn't realised it is a practical option.

  8. As you might expect I like teh butterfly picture.

    My google reader shows a post that you may have deleted about using an ipad to blog. I had this problem but the app called Blogsy does the trick, it's only a few pounds and while not perfect it does most of what you'll need.

  9. I have a huge pot of Basil but my parsley is so sad this year.

  10. Solorn - the trick with basil is to sow it in a green house and get it quite big before asking it to do anything hard!
    Bee - was wondering what was happening about your move. Hope you can fall back in love with your house and garden. I've been there and feel for you!

  11. Lucy - I felt the same about lavender and was surprised to see a trayful of lavender seedlings in a friends greenhouse. I think they might be quite slow to make big plants though.
    Mark - thanks for the app recommendation. I am getting the hang of the iPad a bit better but will have a look at that.

  12. What a great idea. I will have to try a basil plant next and see how it does under laundry room conditions, since I have no garden, although I have found basil to be fussy indoors in the past. At the moment, the mint is thriving in there!

  13. We don't get enough sun in the back yard for most herbs ... if they grow at all , they're rather tasteless , though the bay treelet is O.K. And chervil grows profligately , even between the paving stones . World domination is within its grasp .
    Basil and Thyme sit by the window in the kitchen , gossiping .

  14. Thanks for your comment on the post about our trip round England and Scotland.

    I've replied to everyone in a post


    rather than in the little box - too small when one is excited!


  15. Elizabeth - it's funny isn't it how things change from year to year? I have hopeless parsley here too!

  16. Ahh, you gardeners are so clever. All I manage to do is kill stuff in the garden, although I'm very good at growing weeds. Does that count?! Sorry it's been soooo long since I visited. I created the term 'crap blogger' ;-)
    Pig x

  17. And the winner is: Esther! Now I know Esther is wandering the roads of Britain in a campervan just now but I am sure the seeds will wait for her return. Congratulations Esther. Happy seed sowing.

  18. it all looks lovely and lush - unlike my garden - all your hard work has paid off

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