July end of month view

With very few words. July end of month is part of the series hosted by Helen at patientgardener


  1. How full and lush it all looks. You're onto something here with the views from the same spot each season.

  2. Looks fantastic. The last view is beautiful.

  3. Just looks so green now Elizabeth, so different from the winter pics. Obviously down to your gardening prowess and weeding discipline!

    Your sweet peas are great...

  4. It certainly looks beautiful. I love the view of the south bank.

  5. How lovely it all looks. But what have you done with the people?

  6. It's lovely to know where each spot is having been lucky enough to visit!
    Looking good. As Ponside said, full and lush.

  7. Pond side - the idea is hosted by Helen at patient gardener and I should have said so in the text. I really like it. It is so easy to forget what things do throughout the year.
    Joy - much of what makes the garden beautiful is nothing to do with us and everything to do with the view!

  8. Loving all the greeny lushness and especially those clear, clear blue skies. When I have a garden again someday, I am going to do this. I bet it's a great help in planning new plantings for the Spring.

  9. Chris - sadly weeding discipline a bit absent. Try to plant so much stuff together thatbthere is no room for weeds. Great theory but doesn't always work
    Nora - the view is fab!
    Fennie - I can't have people cluttering up my photographs! I snuck out when there was no one there.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Shazzzzzam! Wowzers! Looks amazing!

  12. Mountainear - didn't show you chicken attack area though!
    Jane - everything you gave me is thriving. Thank you!

  13. Beautiful gardens. So green for summer. Things are a liitle drier in Australia in summer.
    Only four weeks until our visit to Wales. Very excited.

  14. Caroline - it is really useful to have the record and interesting to see how things change. This is the second year I have been doing it so I can now compare July 2010 with July 2011. Fascinating to see the difference!

  15. Marcheline - aw shucks
    Chris - we do green here. We do very good green.

  16. Does your heart good to see such lovely photographs.

  17. I wish my garden needed very few words. I do hope you'll do a post with every month at the end of the year.


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