Dogs, cats and the whole darn thing

I offer you five things to think about if you are considering offering to look after your daughter's young dog for the week.

  • Is the dog still inclined to jump up at people from time to time?
  • Do you have a just about to be ninety three year old living with you who is not too steady on his feet?
  • Is your beautiful ginger cat inclined to turn into a spitting, shrieking, dog seeking missile?
  • Do you have a large number of chickens?
  • Is your husband someone who tolerates said dog and cat rather than a full blown animal lover?  Actually this last one is the best bit so far as husband is engaging fully and productively with the whole dog, grandpa, cat etc dilemma. 

Of course I thought about these things, of course I did.  I am a forward planning type of person.  The dog is asleep at my feet.  The cat is miaowing crossly on the doorstep.   Father in law is watching the televsion in his room.  The chickens are shut up in their runs.

It's all fine.

My God, is it really only quarter past five?


  1. Just another day in paradise, huh?

  2. A couple of glasses of wine should put you to rights... if they don't, at least you won't care. 8-)

  3. It sounds as though the dog had a fun day:)

  4. This really made me laugh Elizabeth. Glad I am not the only one who really thinks of her animals as people. Never mind - the week will pass - eventually.

  5. How many chickens are lots? Do they gang up on the dog?

  6. Thank you for that, you made me laugh! Can the cat come in now?

  7. Oh the things we do for our kids!

  8. How many days left? Poor Henry (and the rest of you of course). If I didn't already have a cat who doesn't tolerate other cats, especially when they share her house & mum, I would have him like a shot.

  9. "My God, is it really only quarter past five?"


  10. At times like this, I find it is best to remember our favorite Nietzsche quote: "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger."

    Just think how strong you'll be when this is all over!

  11. I take it that the dog is young and enthusiastic. Sort of like my dog. They kill you with kindness. Hang in there, hopefully you all will be rescued soon.

  12. Sounds as if you have reached Happy Hour at 5.15...everything should smooth out for a little while, at least....

  13. Was that quarter past five in the morning?
    Blessings and Bear hugs as you try to deal with all the critters in your world.

  14. This really amused me especially since my dog shares similar traits with your daughter's dog - and he (ie daughter's dog) is gorgeous! With a face like that I should thing he can get away with practically anything:)

  15. Like Rob-Bear I also wondered if that was quarter past 5 in the morning!

  16. Glad it's fine!

    I'd like a dog - but my husband dislikes dogs.

    We have two cats. They are very nice cats but they aren't prepared to come away with us as a dog would so they pin us often to home.

    Tis life.

  17. I am glad the cat is still in residence, he is such a lovely cat I would struggle to give him up.

    Hopefully it wont be too fraught for too long

  18. My husband didn't want rabbits but he got rabbits.
    They live in the house with us. Sometimes when I am upstairs, I think he is on the phone but when I listen carefully he is saying. "Come to daddy, for a little treat. You lovely little bunnies!"
    How funny is that!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  19. Ho Ho! Been there, done that! Felt the impending sense of doom. It's still funny though and you tell it beautifully.

  20. What is it they say about never working with animals or children?

  21. Ok well this is a very lovely dog, learning fast about life in a new place. Cat still disgruntled, chickens wary. Wine in evidence in the late evening (so what's new).

  22. Ho ho ho... Gin. That's the answer. Got any of last year's slow gin, maybe?

  23. Mmmm, sounds like you're, erm...having fun?! How many more days to go? (or should I change that to 'how many more glasses of wine needed?')

  24. Have resolved to take a bit of a rest from looking after things for a short while, so I won't be following in your footsteps just yet! Hope you get some time to yourself.

  25. Very amusing. I think it is always a shock to collide with the energy of youth, hairy or not.

  26. Oh dear - the last line made me hoot out loud! That's me when I babysat the little ones for the first time - kitchen tidy, children fed and dressed, laundry spinning - oh no - is if really only 0930?!

  27. Hi Elizabeth,
    Of course you thought of those things! Thanks for the laugh!

    I do enjoy your blog, and I have awarded you The Creative Blogger Award.

  28. Ooops! I mean The Versatile Blogger Award! Color me embarrassed! (the link is right, though)

  29. Bet you fall in love with it Elizabeth!

  30. I really like your blog. So much so,
    I've added a link to it from my site Keep up the good work :)

  31. We watched our friend's dog one afternoon when it was a puppy. It was worse than having a baby. At least you can put a nappy on a baby - the puppy had to be carried outside every half hour to pee.

  32. Oh I hope that you have survived your week! I do empathize because we occasionally have a labrador to stay whose enthusiasm for chasing hens means that we have to leave them muttering disgustedly in their run.

    Chocolate any good?

    Pomona x


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