What is the opposite of a show garden?

Today the sun shone and for the first time this year I worked in the garden. I was moving snowdrops, splitting some of the larger clumps into bunches of seven or eight bulbs. This year I have tried moving them "in the white", that is while still in flower. I have split them very successfully and moved them in the green before but the beauty of moving them while still in flower is that I can see the effect that I have in my head beginning to appear on the ground. They do indeed look good against the red stems of the dogwoods. The bed which I grandly call the native tree walk is coming along slowly. I wandered up and down, establishing that, yes, the winter aconites which I put in last year are coming up, and that of course there is scope to put in many more spring bulbs, more snowdrops, more irises and perhaps more daffodils. I haven't decided yet about the daffodils. If I do add some they will be tiny daffodils, either Hawera or the native...