A new baby in the family

Ten days ago my son and his wife had their first baby, just a few days early. It was a long labour. C rang me on the evening of the day K went into hospital having had some bleeding. I went to bed but all night long I kept finding myself awake, looking into the darkness, wondering what time it was. Why had I woken? Oh yes, the baby. Was it born yet? How were they? He rang again the following morning. No, nothing, not yet, just tiredness and contractions. They would induce her. Again in the evening. Things were happening but still painfully slowly. Another night of drifting in and out of sleep. It is not a rational thing. You know perfectly well that it makes no difference whether you sleep or wake. But still that primitive tie, that tug of blood, keeps pulling at you, tugging you out of sleep into dark wakefulness. On the following morning their daughter was born, our first granddaughter, as ou...