January sunshine
Somehow I have rather lost the pattern of blogging. Instead of that gentle insistence at the back of my mind that once a week is about right I have slipped to once a fortnight or even once a month. There are plenty of great blogs which I like where the blogs appear about once a month but I know that for me a weekly blog is what feels about right. It means that I get into the habit of sharing things and that I don't sit down thinking that so much has happened since my last blog that I don't quite know where to start. I think this shift is partly down to having become fond of using Instagram. It is so quick and easy and such a supportive and engaged community. It is really easy to use little bits of time to Instagram things and then feel that the longer time which you need for a blog is something you can't quite find. But I don't want to stop blogging and I think if I don't give it a shake up and find time to blog a bit more often I might fi...