Day 38 of the 100 day project

A change of pace for day 38.  We achieved so much and worked so hard this weekend and today was full of reports to write, Spanish to do, shopping to get and admin things piling up.  So today I did one solitary thing and planted a lavender to fill a spot in the kitchen garden where one died a couple of years ago.

Not the most interesting thing to do, not the most interesting blog, but it shows I am hanging on to the project!


  1. Well done! Today I planted two roses and lots of sweet allysum under them, as I heard it is a natural aphid repellent. We'll see.

    1. Good luck with the natural aphid repellent. Would love to hear how it works!

  2. Today I planted a Crinium. A first for me. It’s good to plant new things, I hope your lavender lasts a long time. B x

    1. Oh they are lovely! Hope yours grows. Lavender here depends on where you plant here. Mostly our soil is stony and fast draining and lavender loves that. We have one streak of clay and there they turn up their toes so giving up in that area!


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