Day 62 of the 100 day project

This is nearly two thirds of the way through!  That is amazing!

Today younger daughter and her two children were here for the morning and for lunch.  As usual in the summer we spent a lot of time outside, feeding chickens, collecting eggs, swinging, throwing balls for the dog, hiding balls for the dog, going up to the farm to see the calves and then pretending I was the dog as Grace made me sit and wait and hid the ball for me to find.  All, as you can see, good fun but not what you might call relaxing.  It is lovely to be able to do it, for myself to build the relationship with the children and for our daughter to ease, just a tiny little bit, the relentless pressure of mothering two small children.  She handles this pressure with enormous patience, good humour and grace but it is still a hard job.  In fact both our daughters and both our daughters in law seem to mother small children far more easily and cheerily than I ever did.  I wonder if I would have felt less overwhelmed by my responsibilities if my first marriage had not broken up when the children were tiny.  I will never know now but I watch our daughters and daughters in law with real admiration and love.  I do love being a grandmother though.  It is a licence to love and be silly and to make each child feel special.  I am very lucky.

They went early afternoon and I contemplated doing some work in the garden.  Then the thunder began to rumble in the distance and air grew close and heavy.

I decided that today could be about smelling the roses so here they are.  I wandered around the garden, pulling up the odd bit of bindweed but mainly just looking at life on the 1st June 2018. 

The very first of the oriental poppies had opened over the course of the morning.    The thunder rolled nearer.  I ran for my secateurs and picked some roses for the kitchen table.

Now the rain is falling hard and heavy and the thunder is shaking the house.   Through my window I can see the green hills and the green hedges and the green trees, thirstily blurred behind the curtain of rain.  The rain drums on the slate roof.  I hope the hens are inside!


  1. Sounds a lovely day and this time of year does seem to involve lots of wandering round the garden admiring flowers and foliage. I envy you your rain as even my damp soil is drying out and I am getting a bit tired of lugging watering cans to the newly planted .

    1. We did have a very dry May and the soul is still quite dry if you dig down. And it's dry again today!


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