Day 73 of the 100 day project

I have been better at doing the gardening part of the project than I have at recording it on the blog!  This weekend has been full of family as younger son and his family came up from Devon and two of the others came across to say hello.The sun shone and the children got on amazingly well especially when you consider that they don't see each other that often!  And the value of the garden as a place to be was clear: to sit and chat and play and kick a football or throw a rugby ball or be endlessly pushed on a swing, to feed hens and make dens, to be taken for a walk by granddaughter number one, aged four and a half.  "I'm going to show you that there is even more garden down here, Grandma.  Follow me.  It goes on for ever."  (It really doesn't unless you are four.)

So I am feeling more in love with the garden than I have for a long time.  Here is the side garden bubbling over with blue geranium.

And the kitchen garden beautifully disguising its weeds under a surge of new growth.  The poppy is just extraordinary with its great flags of deep red.

There was lots of going around the field through different paths this weekend and appearing from behind the grasses.  "I am going this way Grandma.  I will meet you."

There were stories and cuddles on benches.

It was lovely to see nearly four year old grandson who does not live with a dog and cannot decide whether he is fascinated or frightened of them finding that a dog who will fetch is fun to play with and trying out the delight of making a dog sit when you want her to.  The power!  I wish I had some photos of this but I was too busy participating.

And there were babies and the cheerful patience of the oldest grandson, at twelve practically grown up to the rest of them, with all the little ones.

So never mind all the weeding and the work and the plants which won't take, this weekend was a good reminder that gardens are good places for growing families as well.


  1. You sound so happy with your garden today Elizabeth which obviously has provided a haven, a source of wonder and a playground for little folk. I'm sure that they didn't see the bits that irritate you. The photo of you all on the bench is one for framing :)

    1. Thanks Anna! It is good to have the perspective of small children rushing about. They don't care about the endless fight with bindweed! They just like interesting things to do!

  2. That's totally delightful. Garden work will wait. Forever maybe! Xxx

    1. It was funny. I had been consciously trying to take pleasure in the garden, and that was generally working and being a good thing but it was a real shot in the arm to see their very different pleasure!

  3. The little lady has awarded your garden five gold stars!


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