Day 77 of the 100 day project

I have not been recording what I have been doing so here is my attempt at a catch up:

Monday: pulled bindweed from the front bed, time taken about twenty minutes

Tuesday: did some Spanish in the morning, had a meeting in the afternoon, deadheaded some roses before tea!  time taken about ten minutes

Wednesday: today I went a bit bananas about exercise, doing my dance class in the morning, deciding to join in with the walking group in the afternoon and going to yoga in the evening.  I did no gardening whatsoever but I felt great!

Thursday was another committed elsewhere day as was Friday.  On Thursday I did pilates in the morning, took the campervan for its service in the afternoon and spent about half an hour in between weeding one of the herb beds which always gets invaded by creeping bindweedn

On Friday I went to Welsh in the morning and we went over to see daughter and her family in the afternoon before heading over to some friends for a barbecue.  In between times I did wander around the garden looking at the roses and lavender.

Saturday:  Today I have spent a lot of the day making chocolate brownies as my contribution to feeding some volunteers tomorrow.  I did also manage to pull some goosegrass out of the honeysuckle and some more bindweed out of the sunny bank in front of the cottage.  That probably took me about half an hour. 

So not a week where much has been done in the garden but at least I have kept in touch a bit!


  1. If you get to smell the honeysuckle while pulling out all the bind weed, you lighten the task immensely...what a heady aroma!

    1. You are absolutely right. There is one place in particular where the scent of the honeysuckle strikes you while you are pulling up bindweed. I hadn't thought to regard that as a particular blessing but of course it is. An even greater blessing would be no bindweed but there we are, light and shade!

  2. I need a catch up too on what I have been doing! But I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who struggles with bindweed and creeping buttercup! I have gardened today but in younger daughters garden! x

    1. That's an interesting one, gardening in other people's gardens. That might happen in two of our four children's gardens and I'm never sure how much to do. I'm pretty sure it is welcome or I wouldn't do it but because I would feel quite odd if it happened in my garden I do always wonder how much or how little is just right!

  3. Just done a quick catch-up on your posts -- haven't been reading blogs much while travelling. So impressed to see how this 100-days project has hooked you back into the garden -- and to writing about it as well. Your garden is so beautiful, the setting but also your plantings, the various combinations changing through the season. And I very much like your writing as well, the garden as the centre, but the rest of your life -- your family, your activities, your interests -- all woven in (sorry, mixed metaphor, I know!)

    1. Thank you! I've been wondering if this garden focus isn't a bit boring for everyone else so it's encouraging to hear that you haven't found it too bad! I think I'm ready to branch out a bit now but I nearly there with the 100 days so I do want to see it through


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