
A strange week which has left me feeling out of sorts and out of shape.  Monday started with yoga in the morning and it was a great class which left me feeling invigorated and energised.  In the afternoon I set out to do some cooking as we had guests coming on Tuesday.  Late afternoon I suddenly began to feel very unwell, nauseous, dizzy and dreadful.  I sat down in the sitting room and stayed there for about an hour and a half.  Eventually I began to feel a bit more normal and I went to bed a bit early.

The next day I felt quite wiped out in the morning and Ian launched into cooking for our guests with me sitting around offering instructions.  By lunchtime I felt rather better and on Wednesday I felt ok.  Thursday morning I woke feeling bad again, tired and a bit sick.  In all this time we used Ian's oxymeter and my blood pressure machine to see if there were any indications of what was happening.  It looked as if my oxygen uptake was a bit low, as was my pulse and blood pressure. 

Yesterday I spoke to younger son who is a doctor and he suggested going to the doctor's to be checked over.  So this morning I had an ecg and had my blood pressure checked again and some blood taken for tests.  The ecg is fine and my blood pressure is a bit all over the place, perhaps as a result of taking in the surgery, so I have come away with a request to monitor it for a week or so and to go back if it does not settle down. 

It is hard to explain quite how fed up I feel about this.  Things seem fine and it was clearly a good idea to check things out at the surgery.  This weekend sees the christening of younger son's two younger children and then next week we have long been booked to help older daughter with some childcare while her husband is away.  So I really want to be full of energy to have some good family time and wild horses would not keep me from going to both my son's and my daughter's.  And of course it is good that there is nothing seriously wrong because anything seriously wrong would have shown up on the ecg.  But I still don't feel very well.  Nothing serious, just tired and listless and out of sorts.  I have just tried to do some Spanish but I can't concentrate.  It feels I suppose like a glimpse into the future when low energy and tiredness will presumably become more frequent.  I am undoubtedly feeling sorry for myself but the things I usually do to cheer myself up seem like too much effort: yoga, Pilates, cooking, going for a walk. 

I think I will light a fire and do some knitting and listen to some music.

And if that doesn't work it will have to be giving myself a stiff talking to!


  1. Oh my. Sometimes, I get bouts like that that can't be explained except to say that I don't feel right. Thankfully,, with time, it passes. I hope you feel better for your visits and it is good that you got yourself checked to quell your anxiety.

    1. Oh thank you! The fire and the music did help. Now I'm going to make a risotto. True comfort food!

  2. You may be having an allergic reaction to something. Is there anything new in your environment? Also, how's your blood sugar level?

    1. I don't think there is anything new that I'm aware of. Will check the blood sugar though!

  3. Perhaps you could consider vestibular migraine as the symptons sound very similar. I have occasional bouts of this. Very dizzy, nauseous, followed by sleep and pretty fatigued for the following day or days depending on the severity of the attack.

    1. Interesting idea Christine. I have never had problems with migraine and now I am feeling much more like myself but I will bear it in mind if it happens again.

  4. So sorry you've been feeling unwell! I've been not exactly unwell, but dealing with the daily fluctuations in temperature (from very hot to hellfire and back again) that come with being nearly 52, and a woman. Starting a regimen of black cohosh, will see if that gets things in order. Here's hoping you can find out what is ailing you, and thus how to fix it. The listless and out of sorts thing happens to me at every changing of the seasons... perhaps you have seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

    1. I hope you are finding the black cohosh helpful. I always dislike the darker days and have found that it is really useful to spend time outside. I have no idea whether that constitutes SAD but it is just something I have learnt over time!

  5. Low levels of thyroid hormone can cause these sort of problems so be sure to have your TSH level checked. Hypothyroidism is common in women but medication is very straightforward.

    1. Thanks Alice. I have just had thyroid levels checked and am told they are borderline and should be rechecked in six months so maybe there is something going on there. Feeling much better now though!

  6. I'm sorry you've not been feeling well, and hope it's nothing that carries on. Still, there's always a bit of worry when unexplained things happen.

    1. As is usual when there is no other answer, the general opinion seems to be something viral! Feeling much better now though so happy to just get on with having a good time!

  7. I'm sorry to hear this and hope you are able to notice a difference soon (in the right direction!). Your impatience with the way you're feeling (being "fed up") really resonates with me, especially when you connect it with the future, something we might/must expect more of from now on. I've had a year full of small nuisances (ongoing UTI, hence too much antibiotic upsetting all kinds of other systems in my body; three colds in one year; bouts of fatigue and depression) -- and I do worry that this will simply be the new status quo.
    But you belie your worries with your still-very-effective writing -- even not feeling well, you articulate your case clearly enough that it resonates with readers -- thank you! I hope the energy you evince there gradually extends to the rest of your life so that you can enjoy the upcoming family activities. Take care.

    1. Thank you Frances. It is simply part of how you and I clearly respond to physical things to feel what I have called "fed up" as well. It is a sort of irritation with myself. Life is too short not to be able to get on and do what I want to do and feeling unwell seems like some sort of moral failure on my part. I know this is stupid!! Anyway, I am feeling back to normal at last. I hope you are too. I find that what I eat has a huge impact on how I feel so I am returning to a diet with no processed food in it. Not sure if that might be a help for you having had antibiotics!

  8. Elizabeth I feel I am going through this very same thing. I've had cardiac symptoms (arrhythmia, dizziness, -all normal ecg, blood test and wacky BP) One day I feel OK, the next a bit wiped out. The symptoms come and go. I'm 60 and thinking maybe I'm trying to do too much... I'm glad you're feeling better (per latest post). I'm feeling gradually better, but this thing has knocked the stuffing out of me. x


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