Week two and on we go

I was a bit daunted by the idea that, having achieved my three sessions for the first week, I was expected to run for a bit longer in week two.  I should point out that "a bit longer" means ninety seconds instead of sixty, followed by two minutes of walking, repeated five times.

So the first run of week two and I did notice the small increase.  For some reason the app was refusing me access to Sarah Millican as the voice of my trainer so I chose Jo Whiley instead.  I liked her too.  She probably gives you a little more of her own experience and that is quite motivating.  So I survived the first run of  week two and, in the day's break between runs one and two, my new bra and running trainers arrived.

I cannot tell you that the bra is a thing of beauty but goodness, it works!  I did a bit of research on the internet and bought a bra called Panache, recommended by a women's running magazine.  Have you ever noticed that caravans which trundle along the motorway are often called by quite inappropriate names like "marauder" and "silver flash"?  OK, I might have made those actual names up but you get the idea.  Ian pointed out that the bra was rather like a lingerie version of that phenomenon.  "Panache" is probably the last thing you would associate with it.  But oh my, what a difference it makes!  On run two I wore both the new bra and the new shoes (and other things of course!) and while I appreciated that both made the experience more comfortable it was the new bra that I really noticed.

I also experienced an odd sensation, very fleetingly in the second run of the six, for about half a minute or so, of actually enjoying it.  After that I returned to the more normal sensation of simply doing it and being a bit out of breath, but it was interesting.... Maybe I might end up with more of that feeling and less of the other?  Eventually?

Afterwards I felt good although I admit that beforehand I was not looking forward to it.  It is very grey and misty and cold out there.  But afterwards I was full of a glow of virtue.  And I do like something which makes me go outside.

For the third run of the week I decided to try to run on our drive as my knee was twingeing ever so slightly.  I have had knee problems while hill walking in the past and the grass in our field is here and there pocked with holes where the badgers dig.  I wondered if it would be more comfortable to run on a flatter surface and indeed it was.

So here are some more things I have learnt this week:  book the next run in my diary just after I have finished one.  It is fine to run before breakfast (thank you materfamilias!).  I get out of breath before my legs feel tired.  No idea what that means!

Looks like next week ups the ante to some three minute runs.  Can I do that?  We will see.


  1. Fantastic. Good for you 😊

    1. Thanks Posie! Rather pleased to find that I am enjoying it!

  2. A good bra and the right shoes make all the difference when running. I hope you have more and more enjoyable moments.

    1. I sort of new about the shoes but was surprised about the bra!

  3. A good bra and the right shoes make all the difference EVERYWHERE... just ask Mae West, and Madonna! 8-)

  4. Oh, I'm glad to hear that before-breakfast run worked for you. I have found that if I stop for breakfast some days, the good intention of running that day evaporates by the time digestion is achieved. . .

    1. I can see that and I also know that sometimes I will need to run first thing if I am to fit it in and it would not be natural to be to skip breakfast and run instead. But it does work, so I will add it to my armoury!

  5. I am so impressed. I'd decided to make an effort to have more exercise this winter, but some very worn joints preclude running, so I'm trying the 10 minute brisk walk option. Good intentions, but wet and windy weather has defeated me. Perhaps I'm too wimpish for this organised exercise business. It is not raining so perhaps I can squeeze in a quick super brisk walk between the squalls. Perhaps a new bra would inspire me!

    1. I would have to acknowledge that it is the couch to 5k app with its carefully thought out structure and its encouraging trainers which is really helping. This is a surprise to me because I tend to believe that I am much happier sorting things out for myself. I now have to admit that this may have been an arrogant assumption on my part!

  6. I watch so many women running along the road near me with their bosom flopping up and down, side to side and it looks so uncomfortable that I want to shout out to them to buy a new bra! I hate running (Nordic walking is my thing) so happy to follow your progress and cheer you on.

    1. I can't think why you wouldn't invest in a proper running bra. They are revolutionary!!

  7. Hello Elizabeth, sorry I missed about your New Year's resolutions but want to encourage you to keep going and whatever the outcome, it will certainly have a positive effect on you.
    Having moved farm and country and eventually the horse, I think that was a great way for me to loose weight :-))). For the first time since lyme disease in 2011, I put weight on over Christmas, ggrrrrrr. I blame the inactivity most. And decided to go for 'dry January' (never heard of that before *ggg*). Surprisingly, much easier than to stop smoking - a very good experience for me as our alcohol consumption over the last stressful months was... impressive.
    Running is not at all my thing - why would you do that when you got a horse ;-), but I love to swim and I love to push full wheelbarrows uphill. And gardening! Also, with growing age there is a blessing when you forget why you went upstairs... once downstairs again, it comes back to you what you were going for - double excercise :-). But then I love good food and I love chocolate. My niece has lost more than 2 stone with slimming world (also new to me) over the last 3 months or so and her mum is also in the group - very impressive results and I think they teach the right balance between good home cooked food and trying to get the body fit. I shall try to follow your efforts with 'couch to 5k ' (never heard of that before) and *thumbs up* for your courage to do it!

    1. I've heard good things about slimming world too! My Welsh tutor (who I wouldn't have said was particularly overweight before) lost about a stone and says she felt really well and was never hungry. At the moment I'm going to see if eating healthily and doing the exercise will help me lose a bit of weight but I might look at slimming world perhaps if I get stuck. Good luck with dry January. I'm finding restricting wine in the week is not a problem. So far so good! X

  8. I'm catching up and am so thrilled to discover you've started running. Running before eating trains your body to burn fat, so it's a good thing to do. The reason why you're out of breath before your legs get tired is because your musculoskeletal system is fitter than your cardiovascular (probably all that walking/ gardening)- that will change (in fact, given that I've got more of your posts to come I suspect it already has!). Well done you, it's a brilliant thing to do.


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