And on we go

 So much more to show you on the house.  Loving the cladding and the contrast with the render and now that the scaffolding has come down it is possible to see the design of the house more clearly.

Loving the tiled floor downstairs and the colour of the kitchen and dining room.

Loving the front door and the gorgeous curve in the hall.

Loving the internal doors and the handles.

Loving the wood flooring upstairs

Loving the bathroom tiles,  These are in the en suite bathroom.  

It looks nearly done in these photos and in truth there is still a lot to do.  We have no stairs yet so going up the ladder has become almost, but not quite, commonplace.  We have no water although that is coming soon.  There is much to do in the bathrooms, second fix electrics and lots and lots outside.

The kitchen is just beginning to be fitted.  That will make a huge difference.  In the sitting room all the drawers and cupboards are lined up ready for the carcasses.

And outside is still a building site.  But the house is now clearly a house.  Now I am beginning to ponder on how to turn it into a home!


  1. It is coming on beautifully. Thank you for sharing the photos.

    1. It's so exciting Susan! Lovely to see it all coming to life.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Marceline. It's so nice to know that you have been reading for a long time. A strange but pleasing kind of friendship!

  3. Looks lovely and so very exciting for you. Nearly there!

    1. Almost tantalising! I'm starting to think about the day to day....

  4. So much to anticipate in the coming days. Looks great.

    1. Thank you. I'm so close to the whole thing that I've no real idea how it looks to anyone else!!

  5. It is already starting to look like a house where to build new lives.
    Thanks for sharing the pics.

    1. I can imagine living in the house now Luz! Getting there.


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