End of month view : April
April has not been the cruellest month this year. It has been warm and sunny and the garden has exploded into life. This is the side garden, with the hellebores still flowering away. Everything else has emerged in fountains of foliage. The hardy geraniums, of which I have loads, are all in leaf and the day lilies have spurted up. The paeonies are huge and covered with buds. Conventional wisdom says that paeonies hate disturbance but these were moved last year as part of the making of the side garden when the building work had finished and even last year they flowered. There are all sorts of things coming up here: eremurus, lots of aquilegia, the sedums and catmint and, against the stone wall, lots and lots of dusty pink oriental poppies. It is quite stunning the difference between this end of month view and last month's Leaves are appearing on the apple tree. The Tenby daffodils have finished flowering but the Thalia is still flow...